Baidu, Sina enter mobile partnership

Chinese Internet companies Baidu and Sina have extended their partnership to the mobile platform.

According to a report by Chinese tech news site on Monday, the collaboration will see Baidu’s search technology integrated into Sina Mobile–its mobile homepage–and the user-generated question-and-answer platform named iask. Baidu will also host Sina Weibo’s mobile client on its app distribution platform for user downloads, it added.

The article noted the partnership is an extension of the companies’ previous collaboration. In March, Baidu included real-time search of Sina Weibo content which was the first time Sina partnered a third-party search engine, it said.

Baidu CEO Robin Li previously said the company will focus on the mobile channel as it is expected to become a larger percentage of Web traffic.

Since then, the Internet search company has been pushing its Yi mobile operating system by developing low-cost smartphones and snagged a deal with Apple to include Baidu as one of the search engine options in the Safari mobile browser.

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