Barroso pushes EU banking union

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Peter Spiegel
Financial Times
June 12, 2012

All 27 EU countries should submit their big banks to a single cross-border supervisor as part of a banking union to be enacted as soon as next year, the president of the European Commission has urged.

In an interview with the Financial Times, José Manuel Barroso said the EU needed to go beyond the incremental legislative measures proposed by his institution last week and take “a very big step” towards deeper integration if the bloc is to learn the lessons of the sovereign debt crisis.

The plan, which would also include an EU-wide deposit guarantee scheme and a rescue fund paid for by levies on financial institutions, could be achieved by next year and without changes in the bloc’s existing treaties, Mr Barroso said.

“I think now we have conditions to go further that, frankly, we did not have before,” he said. “There is now a much clearer awareness among European member states about the need to go further in terms of integration, especially in the euro area. This is one of the lessons of the crisis.”

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3 Responses to “Barroso pushes EU banking union”

  1. how about we just throw barraso in jail ? one-world electronic currency it’s total bs
    destroy the Nazi-Union …

  2. He’s wasting his time and OUR money. The SD crisis is out of control and massive losses are on their way. The Spanish bailout was a red herring – the surging bond yields show there is no mercy in the money markets and that can is being kicked down a dead-end street. Mr Barroso should be looking around for another job – and it ain’t gonna be president of the EU. Get ready for June 18th
    – black monday.

  3. Ah, Manuel Jose Boroso…McCann, Dowler, and he’ll stand up there acting normal like it’s no big deal. Business as usual. People are products. If he wants a kid, he buys one. If he get’s caught the charges get ignored. Take a long look at this paedomorph nightmare. He’s the state of the art UN politician: totally keyed conquest, occult rendition and raping and eating children.

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Barroso pushes EU banking union

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Peter Spiegel
Financial Times
June 12, 2012

All 27 EU countries should submit their big banks to a single cross-border supervisor as part of a banking union to be enacted as soon as next year, the president of the European Commission has urged.

In an interview with the Financial Times, José Manuel Barroso said the EU needed to go beyond the incremental legislative measures proposed by his institution last week and take “a very big step” towards deeper integration if the bloc is to learn the lessons of the sovereign debt crisis.

The plan, which would also include an EU-wide deposit guarantee scheme and a rescue fund paid for by levies on financial institutions, could be achieved by next year and without changes in the bloc’s existing treaties, Mr Barroso said.

“I think now we have conditions to go further that, frankly, we did not have before,” he said. “There is now a much clearer awareness among European member states about the need to go further in terms of integration, especially in the euro area. This is one of the lessons of the crisis.”

Full article here

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3 Responses to “Barroso pushes EU banking union”

  1. how about we just throw barraso in jail ? one-world electronic currency it’s total bs
    destroy the Nazi-Union …

  2. He’s wasting his time and OUR money. The SD crisis is out of control and massive losses are on their way. The Spanish bailout was a red herring – the surging bond yields show there is no mercy in the money markets and that can is being kicked down a dead-end street. Mr Barroso should be looking around for another job – and it ain’t gonna be president of the EU. Get ready for June 18th
    – black monday.

  3. Ah, Manuel Jose Boroso…McCann, Dowler, and he’ll stand up there acting normal like it’s no big deal. Business as usual. People are products. If he wants a kid, he buys one. If he get’s caught the charges get ignored. Take a long look at this paedomorph nightmare. He’s the state of the art UN politician: totally keyed conquest, occult rendition and raping and eating children.

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Barroso pushes EU banking union

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    The Alex Jones Channel
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    Alex Jones' Facebook
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Peter Spiegel
Financial Times
June 12, 2012

All 27 EU countries should submit their big banks to a single cross-border supervisor as part of a banking union to be enacted as soon as next year, the president of the European Commission has urged.

In an interview with the Financial Times, José Manuel Barroso said the EU needed to go beyond the incremental legislative measures proposed by his institution last week and take “a very big step” towards deeper integration if the bloc is to learn the lessons of the sovereign debt crisis.

The plan, which would also include an EU-wide deposit guarantee scheme and a rescue fund paid for by levies on financial institutions, could be achieved by next year and without changes in the bloc’s existing treaties, Mr Barroso said.

“I think now we have conditions to go further that, frankly, we did not have before,” he said. “There is now a much clearer awareness among European member states about the need to go further in terms of integration, especially in the euro area. This is one of the lessons of the crisis.”

Full article here

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3 Responses to “Barroso pushes EU banking union”

  1. how about we just throw barraso in jail ? one-world electronic currency it’s total bs
    destroy the Nazi-Union …

  2. He’s wasting his time and OUR money. The SD crisis is out of control and massive losses are on their way. The Spanish bailout was a red herring – the surging bond yields show there is no mercy in the money markets and that can is being kicked down a dead-end street. Mr Barroso should be looking around for another job – and it ain’t gonna be president of the EU. Get ready for June 18th
    – black monday.

  3. Ah, Manuel Jose Boroso…McCann, Dowler, and he’ll stand up there acting normal like it’s no big deal. Business as usual. People are products. If he wants a kid, he buys one. If he get’s caught the charges get ignored. Take a long look at this paedomorph nightmare. He’s the state of the art UN politician: totally keyed conquest, occult rendition and raping and eating children.

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