Clinton says Russia is sending gunships to Syria, could escalate conflict ‘quite dramatically’

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Jim Miklaszewski and Courtney Kube
NBC News
June 13, 2012

Russia is sending a new shipment of helicopter gunships to Syria, a move that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday could escalate the conflict “quite dramatically.”

Syria already has a fleet of the Russian gunships which are armed with rockets, cannons and heavy machine guns.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is one of Russia’s main weapons customers, according to Reuters, and Moscow sold a large shipment to the country as recently as mid-May.

Russia’s business relationship with Syria has presented a problem on the U.N. Security Council, which has been seeking a unified stance in confronting the Assad regime. Russia along with China — two of the council’s five permanent members — has been reluctant to admonish the Syrian leader, despite the growing bloody toll in a conflict that a U.N. official said Tuesday had all the characteristics of a civil war.

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9 Responses to “Clinton says Russia is sending gunships to Syria, could escalate conflict ‘quite dramatically’”

  1. I’ve seen the movie Red Dawn.

    Patrick Sweze would know what to do.




    HA HA HA

  3. Same old story Vietnam,Afghanistan,and now Syria
    If you dont see it then you must be blind

  4. I recall when the roles were reversed and the CIA was selling weapons of mass destruction to their allies the taliban to help fight russia back in the 80′s.



  5. Is Hillary unbelievable or what….Just look at what her and her husband have left in thier wake and the answer is clear….

  6. well this the healthcare hillary was trying pass in the early 90s …..its only a health plan for mangods and the temple of hell isreal ….all others to be slaughtered….it is somewhat pleasing to know that this bitch is not american …she just a deceaving satanist for the nangod temple of of hell isreal ….and is certainly going to be wipeout spiritual cleanseing by god and all that stand with these antichrist scumfuck mangods …there all running strait into the fire with all there worthless lifeless treasure on egnorance run amuck

    i would hate to live such a fruitless worthless life such as she dose and stupid life of living death

  7. aww is FELON HILLARY upset?
    she paid 300k for violation of the Logan act,
    bungholio-bama making her secretary of state,
    criminal aiding a criminal is criminal.

  8. This evil WARMONGERING COW !!! Will say anything to start a war. Russia are doing nothing of the kind.
    Can someone not BULLET this Bitch ???

  9. Hillary Clinton (the wicked bitch of the west) what do the Facts say where’s the intelligence reports ?
    it’s Total bs …

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