Corruption of Andrew Wordes case deepens

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City of Roswell bullies original mortgage holder into selling note to phony trust company

Ethan A. Huff
Natural News
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

New details have emerged in the tragic case of Andrew Wordes, who died recently in his home after enduring more than four years of abuse and bullying from the City of Roswell in Georgia. Thanks to continued investigation of the case by Maggie West Bean, it is now coming to light that Roswell officials may have put immense pressure on Mr. Wordes’ original mortgage holder to sell the mortgage note on his home, only to have it end up in the possession of a phony trust company that appears to not even exist.

In case you missed the original story, Andrew Wordes had been quietly and legally raising chickens in the backyard of his home at 335 Alpine Drive in Roswell when the City of Roswell decided to pursue and destroy him. After years of relentless harassment, torment, and threats, Mr. Wordes ended up dying in his home after it exploded on the day when county marshals came to forcibly evict him (

But it turns out that the entire eviction process was fraudulent to begin with, which is what was speculated by many all along. According to information recently uncovered by journalist Maggie West Bean, Dora Hardeman, the friend and landlord of Mr. Wordes who had long held the mortgage to his home, was basically pressured to sell her house to a man named Arnold Wall, who appears to have been used by the City of Roswell to get the note by any means possible.

Exhausted from dealing with the “increasingly unpleasant situation” that was quickly developing between Mr. Wordes and the City of Roswell over the property, Mrs. Hardeman reluctantly agreed to hand over the mortgage note to Mr. Wall, who happened to be the husband of a realtor with whom she was acquainted, in February 2011. In return, Mr. Wall gave her a note for $40,000 that stipulated a payment would only be made after Mr. Wordes “quit the premises,” or after a year had passed, whichever came first.

Phony mortgage transaction a front to steal Mr. Wordes property

But more than a year has now passed, and Mrs. Hardeman has yet to receive a dime from Mr. Wall for the property. And a followup investigation into the bill of sale for the property has revealed that an “Equity Trust Company,” not Mr. Wall, was the actual buyer of the property. And on the note, there are no values given for the actual value of, fair market value of, amount of liens owed on, net taxable value of, or tax due on the property, which points to clear fraud.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Worse, the address listed for “Equity Trust Company” has been exposed as being the address of a UPS Store in Tucker, Georgia. So not only does the new mortgage holder appear to be fake, but it appears as though the City of Roswell may have used Mr. Wall to pretend to purchase Mr. Wordes’ property, only to have it handed over to a fictitious equity company so the City of Roswell could forcibly drive Mr. Wordes out of his house.

City of Roswell led ‘investigation’ into its own criminal activity

From the very beginning, the City of Roswell’s Code Enforcement division violated the law by contacting Mr. Wordes’ original mortgage holder and setting in motion the events that would lead to his eviction. And newly surfaced emails reveal that the “investigation” into the City of Roswell’s criminal activity was being led by the City of Roswell.

An email exchange between Mr. Wordes and City Administrator Kay Love ( from early December 2010 exposes the City of Roswell’s obvious coverup of the truth in the mortgage scandal, as Ms. Love explains to Mr. Wordes that she will personally be heading up the so-called investigation, and that Mr. Wordes will not be allowed to bring a witness to a meeting where he is to give a statement about the ordeal.

You can view this email exchange, as well as other newly-surfaced details about the case, here:

You can also view theNaturalNewsinfographic timeline of events of the Andrew Wordes saga here:


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15 Responses to “Corruption of Andrew Wordes case deepens”

  1. Governing loonies doing what they do best. May Mr. Wordes RIP and may GOD bless his soul…

    hellangone Reply:
    May 2nd, 2012 at 5:16 am

    Amen and amen to your second sentence. All the poor man wanted to do was what we all want to do, to live our lives as we choose.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    May 2nd, 2012 at 6:59 am

    It has a name…It’s called Organised Stalking or it’s slang term is Gang Stalking and

    it involved a lot more people than the story suggest…like “neighbors”..their friends,

    mabey even his own family members…he was falsely threat assessed then listed

    and then officially became a Targeted Individual…he was either driven to suicide

    or murdered…it happens to thousands of people who get put in the program

    Quantummonkeybutt Reply:
    May 2nd, 2012 at 7:08 am



    i know now why the
    creator demanded you
    bow before man, lucifer

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    May 2nd, 2012 at 7:37 am

    Do you have any good resources for this? I ask because I was part of a multiyrs long psych experiment as a child that was somewhat like what this sounds.

  2. Two lawsuits that will BANKRUPT Roswell: any surviving relatives of Mr. Wordes for wrongful death as well as destruction and theft of property; and the original note holder who was defrauded of note and was not paid.

    That means the dikes on the city council and the chief of police as well.

    Dandroid Reply:
    May 2nd, 2012 at 6:11 am


  3. lets hope these fraudsters are arrested, AND charged with murder too.

  4. Make these criminal thugs watch their family members hang first, then maybe, just maybe, some of these pieces of shit will begin to mend their traitorous ways.

  5. I am familiar with the area of Rosewell,GA. Just another very rural small town in Georgia. No clue as to why the city came after this man acting like Hitler’s Gestapo cronies..Tragic to say the least.
    Too bad he was a loner. That what made him such a good target ..Randy Weaver was a loner
    on Ruby Ridge,Idaho also..We often forget the core events that have led us down this road to destruction.
    1. Ruby Ridge,Idaho
    2.Waco, Texas
    3. Oaklahoma City
    I do not even want to think what the next event will be..Scares me ..
    Makes me really Paranoid. Time is short America….very short…..I have made my peace with God . 40 years serving the beast has led me to believe that I will not survive this war that is comng to a neighborhood near you. I look forward to this one.Finally we will fight for something that has real meaning.No politics,no agenda,no smoke and mirriors…we will take no prisioners…
    SEMPER-FI————The defense rests……..

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    “A rebel adventurer, the likes of which, in previous days, made America great.”

    “The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday”


    Hey there voter!
    Do you remember that on Inauguration Day (Jan 20) 2009, the National Average price for a gallon of gasoline was about $ 1.78?

    The American Police State
    Martial law is on the horizon. Newly erected FEMA camps sprinkle the American landscape. A 45 billion dollar illegal spy program monitors our daily movement and every digital transaction we make. Cameras record our day-to-day activities while facial recognition technology scan and detect – all in the name of fighting a faceless enemy who can never be caught. Welcome to the AMERICAN POLICE STATE.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    May 2nd, 2012 at 7:47 am

    yes…loners do make easy Targeted Individuals…that’s why they are selected for the program

  6. Looks like a whole list of Federal Crimes have been committed and needs further criminal investigation, from wire fraud (Secret Service) to Murder by the local authorities (FBI). And here is where we have the problem, recourse to the Rule of Law. Civil and Criminal Law and Order is breaking down in the USA from the very top as the institutions have become corrupt to the point that torture, murder, grand larceny etc have become par for the course for the powers at be. Rule of Law is quickly becoming the Rule of the Gun, those groups that organise themselves to form bands of armed organisations will rule America i.e the DHS gansters. Standing alone with your AR15 thinking that you can protect your property and your rights under the Constitution of the United States of America will just mean getting run over with a internal security DHS paramilitary forces tank by the greater mafia who tore that rag up years ago.

    And if you begin to organise, you will be deemed a terrorist insurgent. You will either end up in a Gulag being tortured or just simply chicken feed.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    May 2nd, 2012 at 7:43 am

    excellent…you just described Organised Stalking to a T.

    torture sanctioned by the Feds…funded by the taxpayers.

  7. I think there are some Aliens here on Earth that HATE us and want the Planet for their own since they have ruined theirs.

    down with the clown Reply:
    May 2nd, 2012 at 7:58 am

    be mind full of that you’ll find one at your door.

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