Despite haven taken over 1 million refugees from USA caused problems in Ukraine, Russia will also take Syria refugees

Trotz vieler Ukraine-Flüchtlinge: Russland will syrische

Despite many refugees Ukraine: Russia wants to absorb Syrian refugees

Russia is preparing for the entrance of Syrian refugees. According to the Kremlin’s refuge mainly people who have an average income and want to secure their existence independently in a peaceful environment.

The ombudsman for children’s rights to the President of Russia, Pavel Astakhov, has announced on Wednesday that Russia was planning to accommodate Syrian refugees.

“Our territory, our culture, our history and our social situation are able to meet this challenge (…) After the beginning of Donbass conflict we were ready to take up all the Ukrainian orphanage. Currently, 90,500 Ukrainian orphans are in Russia (…) and there were about 90,500 of them at this moment, “citing the Tass Astakhov.

The Ombudsman stated that refugees should not be dependent for ever from social programs, but given the opportunity in Russia to become a part of society.

Astakhov literally: “Today we have another category of refugees. It is mainly people with middle incomes who are primarily seeking peace. You need certain labor and education conditions, and here the European governments must make an effort. ”


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