Chairperson of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle, Chief Political Consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, author of books on Philippine and global issues, outstanding Filipino poet Prof. Jose Maria Sison explains the aggressive media campaign against President Duterte and talks about the steps towards country’s independence.

The anti-terrorist program of President Duterte is directed particularly at terrorist group Abu Sayyaf. Abu Sayyaf and its allies are responsible for bombing the public market in Davao city on 2 September. Abu Sayyaf is also engaged in kidnapping foreigners. Naturally, that Duterte’s government must fight against them. The latest act of terrorism was intended to harm innocent civilians. but terrorist’s actions cannot intimidate the Philippines’ nation. Terrorism is senseless.

The Duterte’s government has been undertaking a successful campaign against drugs. There have been casualties as a result of that campaign. The latest count shows that 3500 people have been killed. Of course, a number have been killed, because they resisted the policemen, who were arresting drug dealers and drug users. Also, there is a phenomenon of police officers, who are involved in a drug trade. Those officers has been killing their former agents in order to cover their crimes. There are many explanations for the rise of casualties. Among the drug lords there is also a competition for the market. Anyway, 6100 people have surrendered themselves for rehabilitation. Those addicts are victims. I think it might help to strike drug lords on different levels.

Of course, there are some forces in the Philippines who are hostile towards Duterte’s government. The main force, interested in the fall of Duterte is the former regime of Aquino. The US is also interested in it. There is a report, that two months ago, US intelligence forces were plotting some elements in Manila. USA is the main foreign force, interested in undermining President Duterte.

When a few weeks ago Duterte was about to leave for ASEAN summit, the anti-Duterte elements were happy to receive assurance from the US embassy that US President Obama would lecture and scold Duterte on human rights violations. But Duterte promptly reacted and declared that the Philippines was no longer a colony of United States and that US itself is a big human rights violator in the mankind history. The US had not even apologized for killing hundreds of thousands of Filipinos in order to conquer the Philippines from 1899 to 1940.Americans had killed 1.4 million Pilipino. Duterte has been using historical facts to point that the US has no right to dictate Philippines what to do. The America is responsible of killing 35 million people all around the world since the end of World War Second. Also, US are responsible for refugee crisis in Europe.

Duterte has declared his determination to pursue an independent foreign policy. We are living in a multipolar world, the US can no longer play a role of a supreme power, who decides everything in the world. President Duterte also has spoken of ending U.S. military presence in the Philippines and joint U.S.-Philippine naval patrols in the West Philippines, accessing weapons from China and Russia. Duterte is trying to strike out the path of independent policy. This is good for Pilipino people, because it can lead them to national independence, democracy and economic development. We need to get rid of traditional US dominance over the Philippines.

I could say that Duterte is doing well in constructing an international foreign policy. If he does so, then the National Democratic Front of the Philippines will find the easier to make a full peace agreement. As you may know, the government of Philippines and The NDFP are negotiating peace in Oslo. Both sides had already agreed on a comprehensive agreement on respect of human rights and international humanitarian law since 1998. Now, the work is to be focused on a need of social and economic reforms.

The Philippines can find useful expanding relations with the BRICS. Of course, in terms of security, Philippines can also join the SCO in order to block the attempts of US to dominate at all cost the East Asia. The Pilipino people can find their proper place in the world and enjoy a full national independence and social justice, economic development and international solidarity with all nations willing to have fare relations with Philippines.