European Union imposes emissions tax on US passengers, airlines

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Michael Bastasch
The Daily Caller
May 15, 2012

As of Jan. 1, 2012, the European Union expanded its Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) to cover all airlines, including non-European airlines.

An emissions tax will now be levied on all flights traveling to and from the EU, meaning U.S. passengers will be forced to pay a tax for the entirety of their flight — not just the portion over EU airspace — hiking flight costs and causing governments around the world to accuse the EU of assaulting their sovereignty.

The ETS, which was launched in 2005 with the intention of combating climate change, has been met with resistance from countries including China, India, Russia, Japan and Brazil. There has been political backlash in the U.S. as well: south Dakota Republican Sen. John Thune has come out against the tax, citing its effect on the economy and its violation of international law.

“The unilateral imposition of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme is a violation and is hurting U.S. airlines, manufacturers and consumers,” Thune said on the Senate floor.

According to a press release by Thune’s office, the tax will cost U.S. airlines and passengers $3.1 billion dollars between 2012 and 2020.

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