Fire Breaks Out at Entrance to Jerusalem

Fire truck in Jerusalem. Photo: wiki commons.

The uptick in and disturbing trend of recent fires, some of them arson attacks, in Israel, has continued on Wednesday as firefighters battled a strong blaze at the entrance to Jerusalem.

Roads were closed by police as firefighting teams attempted and succeeded in getting the fire under control, allowing authorities to reopen them.  Earlier on Wednesday, two teenagers were arrested in connection with previous arson attacks near Jerusalem, one of over 200 in the past month to engulf the holy city.

“We are extinguishing the fire that broke out near a road tunnel at the entrance to Jerusalem…but there is no danger to homes in the area,” a spokesman for the fire department in Jerusalem said. Planes were available on Wednesday to assist the firefighting teams but were not needed.

One week ago today two massive fires broke out in Jerusalem, leading Israel’s Public Security Minister to speak of “spontaneous terror”, in which individuals act on their own to do damage to property and the state, for nationalistic reasons.

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