George Galloway’s laptop stolen

The incident took place on Monday, but it was revealed on Saturday after The Times reported that burglars have raided the home of left-wing Respect Party founder George Galloway and stole his parliamentary laptop. The incident is quite suspicious as the burglars had ignored more valuable items.

Galloway’s spokesperson Ron McKay said British MP may have been targeted by the security services, saying “It was something that occurred to him. One hopes it would be rather more sophisticated.”

Known for hosting Press TV’s the Real Deal and Comment shows, Galloway has been an outspoken critic of the British government’s warmongering policies.

In 2003, Galloway was expelled from the Labour Party after expressing his opposition to invading Iraq. Following his expulsion from Labour, Galloway became a founding member of the left-wing Respect Party.

After his victory in a parliamentary by-election in Bradford West in March, Galloway once again expressed his opposition to Britain’s “pointless” warmongering policies.

“We’re spending hundreds of billions of pounds on setting fire to other people’s countries when we can’t keep our own pensioners warm in the winter time, when we’re almost bankrupt,” said Galloway in an interview with Sky News after his victory in March.


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