Globalist Candidate Gingrich Gets Influential Establishment Endorsement

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Kurt Nimmo
November 27, 2011

Globalist Candidate Gingrich Gets Influential Establishment Endorsement gingrich 2012 1926179118 v2.grid 6x2The establishment has left the flubber Rick Perry in the dust and may do likewise to Mitt Romney as the 2012 election season gears up. It looks like they are putting their money behind the former Speaker of the House and seasoned globalist, Newt Gingrich.

On Sunday, Gingrich received the endorsement of the influential editorial board of the New Hampshire Union Leader. “We are in critical need of the innovative, forward-looking strategy and positive leadership that Gingrich has shown he is capable of providing,” said an editorial penned by publisher Joseph W. McQuaid.

“A lot of candidates say they’re going to improve Washington. Newt Gingrich has actually done that, and in this race he offers the best shot of doing it again,” he added.

The Union Leader endorsement is considered influential because New Hampshire is an early primary state. “The failure to win the board’s endorsement may be a setback for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s campaign which has struggled to win support from Tea party-affiliated voters and the right-wing of the GOP base,” reports The Hill.

Despite the endorsement for Gingrich, however, Romney still leads in the first primary state. According to a Suffolk University/7News poll conducted last week, Romney has the support of 41 percent of likely GOP voters. Gingrich came in second with 14 percent and tied with Texas Rep. Ron Paul.

A Bloomberg poll held on November 10 placed Ron Paul second at 17 percent, while former House Speaker Newt Gingrich came in at 11 percent. All the other candidates were below 10 percent.

The Union Leader endorsement is designed to push Gingrich above Paul in the polls. The establishment is vexed by Ron Paul’s stubborn popularity despite its best efforts to ignore him and minimize his participation during its highly stage-managed debates.

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  • Globalist Candidate Gingrich Gets Influential Establishment Endorsement

CFR globalist Newt Gingrich is the ideal candidate for the ruling elite. He has served the elite faithfully and helped it trade away our national sovereignty. He worked with Bill Clinton to foist NAFTA on the American people and move millions of jobs into the China slave labor system of totalitarian globalism.

During his stint in the House, Gingrich also supported GATT and the WTO, two big cornerstones of the one-world government agenda. “Gingrich’s Benedict Arnold act helped to hand over the power to regulate foreign commerce, a power reserved in the Constitution to Congress alone, to an internationally controlled body, making America’s economic interests entirely at the mercy of the WTO,” explains Rebecca Terrell, writing for Campaign for Liberty.

Now that he is masquerading as a “conservative” in order to fool Americans next November, Gingrich has backed away from the climate change mantra he so unenthusiastically supported before he was groomed once again for GOP nominee.

In the video below, Newt shills for climate legislation with Democrat Nancy Pelosi. Last week he told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that the ad “is probably the dumbest thing I’ve done in recent years.”

In 2007, however, Mr. Speaker was talking out the other side. At that time, Gingrich praised Democrat John Kerry’s book about environmentalism and said global warming is real. He offered what amounted to an unexpected apology for his party’s inaction on curtailing greenhouse gas emissions, according to the Boston Globe.

Gingrich, of course, is fully behind the plan to implement carbon taxes under the ruse of climate change, but will turn in an Oscar performance in order to trick the voting public. If elected, he will turn on a dime, pull an Obama, and go back on his disavowal of the climate change agenda.

Gingrich likes to parade as a constitutionalist. In fact, he is a sworn enemy of the Constitution. His Contract With America was one of the most unconstitutional pieces of legislation to ever come down the congressional pike. It proposed amending the Constitution with a “balanced budget amendment,” a completely unnecessary proposal if Congress would only act on constitutional programs.

Gingrich’s Contract also allocated a ton of money to unconstitutional “federal crime-fighting measures, despite the Constitution’s prohibition on federal involvement in police matters outside of piracy and treason. Countries that do not have such strict constitutional safeguards on federal police end up with Gestapos, KGBs, and Departments of Homeland Security,” notes Terrell.

Newt has also expressed his contempt for the concept of a Fourth Amendment when he told Fox’s Bill O’Reilly that Americans should be subjected to drug testing. He cited the advanced police state of Singapore as an example of the sort of drug policy the United States should have.

Finally, in order to understand just how dedicated Gingrich is to destroying the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, consider that he described himself as a “conservative futurist” who enthusiastically recommended as Speaker of the House his colleagues read Alvin Toffler’s 1980 book The Third Wave.

In the book, Toffler wrote a letter to America’s “founding parents,” in which he said: “The system of government you fashioned, including the very principles on which you based it, is increasingly obsolete, and hence increasingly, if inadvertently, oppressive and dangerous to our welfare. It must be radically changed and a new system of government invented – a democracy for the 21st century.” According to Toffler, our constitutional system is one that “served us so well for so long, and that now must, in its turn, die and be replaced.”

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40 Responses to “Globalist Candidate Gingrich Gets Influential Establishment Endorsement”

  1. Gut feeling: Newt Gingrich = pedophile

    CTLovesNathanHale Reply:
    November 27th, 2011 at 2:13 pm

    Word! Gingrich gives scum a bad name, and this article is good, but I have to say that (eww) Rachel Maddow is crushing Prison Planet right now in terms of laying out the real Newt. UTube this clip and spread it around: Rachel Maddow Gets To The Root Of Newt Gingrich’s Scammed Loot!

    ps AJ, please get an article on Drudge about Newt’s scampire of fraudy scamminess NOW!

    the sage Reply:
    November 27th, 2011 at 4:41 pm

    If Newt gets the nomination…the you know your next president will be Obama.

    PeoplePower Reply:
    November 27th, 2011 at 4:59 pm

    Good Lord, I just watched Rachel Maddow Gets to the root of Newt Gingrich’s scammed loot. She nailed him. I had no idea that’s what newt is all about. Just goes to show, research on these tools is necessary.

    Captain Ron Reply:
    November 27th, 2011 at 2:14 pm

    I told all of ya… this pig fucker is gonna be the repugs golden boy… then yer next president.

    Startover Reply:
    November 27th, 2011 at 3:14 pm

    Newt Gingrich is also in favor of ending the Fuel Tax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OH MY GOD!!!!!

    The replacement for the “Fuel Tax” is a MILEAGE TRANSPONDER PUT IN EVERY CAR!!!!!!!!

    And the money is auto deducted from a “driving account” or directly out of your bank.
    The transponder reports where you go, your speed, what time, (speeding tickets are automated)


    F*CK THAT!!!!!

    The transponders cost billions to make, and they are made in CHINA!!!
    The roads will then be sold off to foreign companies (Spain) and as the US goes bankrupt, you will be given a loan from the IMF to cover your bailout


  2. You can have fun with his name changing the formation for Christmas Newt Gingrich========Went Grinching

  3. When you Robb a Bank…………………. YOU GO TO PRISON.
    When the Bank Robs you……………… THEY GET A BONUS.

    When you lie under oath………………..YOU GET SENTENCED
    When politicians lie under oath……….THEY GET ELECTED PRESIDENT

    For you, the 99%…………………………..THE GAME IS RIGGED
    For them, the 1%………………………….RIGGING IS THEIR ONLY SKILL

  4. When you Rob a Bank…………………. YOU GO TO PRISON.
    When the Bank Robs you……………… THEY GET A BONUS.

    When you lie under oath………………..YOU GET SENTENCED
    When politicians lie under oath……….THEY GET ELECTED PRESIDENT

    For you, the 99%…………………………..THE GAME IS RIGGED
    For them, the 1%………………………….RIGGING IS THEIR ONLY SKILL

  5. When you Rob a Bank…………………. YOU GO TO PRISON.
    When the Bank Robs you……………… THEY GET A BONUS.

    When you lie under oath………………..YOU GET SENTENCED
    When politicians lie under oath……….THEY GET ELECTED PRESIDENT

    For you, the 99%…………………………..THE GAME IS RIGGED
    For them, the 1%………………………….RIGGING IS THEIR ONLY SKILL…..

  6. This is too funny for words! Of course the establishment wants the Newt. Full employment for Sherpas to tote his baggage around so the MSM can have a field day unpacking it and exposing him to the world. It wouldn’t be nearly so much fun to report on a stand-up guy like Dr. Paul who has no ex-wives or globalist connections.

  7. @Occupy Prison Planet ….Prison planet is already Occupied by …….Vic…no need to piss him off, because if he gets Pissed , we get pissed if we get pissed , something will hit the FAN… it will be just not truck load of S.H.I.T….so chill…… just kidding Occupy Prison Planet , take it easy hahahaha
    Best Wishes
    p.s, I refuse to comment about Newt Gingrich ..his is not worth it lol…

  8. First impression:

    Gingrich is scary

    Jim Zinc Reply:
    November 27th, 2011 at 2:23 pm

    his wife is even scarier

  9. NEWT GINGRICH= BOHEMIAN GROVE TRAITOR TO AMERICA……… unfortunately too many sheeple think he is America’s answer………. Anyone who is awake it is obviously clear, He IS AN ENEMY OF THE USA, THE CONSTITUTION BILL OF RIGHTS. GINGRICH loves children though…doesn’t he though….Hmmmmmmm

  10. Yeah, that’s a scary thought, I don’t even wanna go thar ! He must be taking steroids or something ? You don’t have to worry about my vote, he is certainly not the direction this country needs to go !

  11. Globalist Candidate Gingrich Gets Influential Establishment Endorsement

    We shall vote for:

    =================== RON PAUL 2012 ==============================

    not for the republican “NWO toadies” thrown our way.

    Gingrich is a “Knight of Malta” as is Mr. Prince, who started Blackwater(XE), a private Army with no constitutional limits. Gingrich and Prince are “good” friends.

    Keep that in mind. We have posted this many times in the past.


    Startover Reply:
    November 27th, 2011 at 3:16 pm


    Startover Reply:
    November 27th, 2011 at 3:16 pm

    Oops I mean “Yep”

  12. Didn’t I see a picture of neutered Gingrich at the Bohemian Grove worshiping the owl idol?

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    November 27th, 2011 at 3:28 pm

    Yes you did.





    From the article; “Miss Dowd noted that Mr. Gingrich would spend the weekend at the Bohemian Grove, “the exclusive men’s club in northern California. . . . The camp is a saturnalia of juvenilia, with a lot of old white rich guys running around naked and in sheets, costumed as Druids. They drink dawn-to-dusk gin fizzes, relieve themselves on redwoods, and put on theatricals where they dress up like women.”

    Well yes, but if you are playing the part of a woman in a theatrical, what should you dress like? Miss Dowd might as well have written that she doesn’t understand why the people in the Metropolitan Opera chorus go around clutching spears.

    About five years ago, CBS’s Leslie Stahl did an interview with me about women joining the Century Association. A few minutes into the discussion she interrupted herself. “Would you be willing to talk about the Bohemian Club?”

    Well, I said, it isn’t something we’re supposed to talk about. . . .

    “Well,” Miss Stahl pressed, “what about this business of going around naked?”

    I lowered my voice. “In the years I’ve been going to the Bohemian Club,” I whispered, “I have seen men naked only in the shower, and now I’ll tell you something in confidence.” Her eyes hungered for my revelation. The camera whirred. “The Admissions Committee of the Bohemian Grove does not like to admit to membership people who shower with their clothes on.” Miss Stahl simply smiled, gamely.


    So, Newt claims to be a good little Catholic now….yeah…..right.

    Good job 19th of April


    dirtdigger Reply:
    November 27th, 2011 at 4:22 pm

    No time to research it now but wasn’t the Newt implicated in the DYNCORP cover-up of the slave trade back in the 90s as revealed in the Wikileaks documents? Could that be why he called the Wiki guy an enemy combatant?

  13. Next November, noone will even remember who the candidates are. And what else? They won’t care.
    Homeless, hungry, unemployed, frozen and millions locked up in FEMA camps. See Schlinders list for the graphic details.

    No escape, air travel shut down for your own safety of course.

    As WIII ignites with a large mushroom cloud, oil wells explode, tankers sink. red skies light the night.
    Meanwhile in America the sports nuts awaken from a drunken stooper and a belly full of football crawling on the floor looking for their Ipod and Blackberrys saying, WHAT HAPPEN?? They quickly turn on to MSNBC and CNN (Communist News Network) to discover that terrorists or insurgents have attacked NATO provoking an elevation in the reluctant Arab Spring. MSNBC will say IRAN has nuclear weapons now and appears they may have lanched. Then comes the pre taped Odumba speach. I have already posted what it will say. Oh and guess what?? WWIII will be blamed for stoping that economic recovery that the LIbs believed was coming just any day now. Welfare checks and Food stamps cut as all the good Odumba comrades join in with war campaign against the CIA trained terrorists. OWS gets a new name and takes to the streets in full force. CAPITALISM HAS FAILED US, they shall shout. Geroge Soros and Odumba teleprompter dummy comes with, THE NEW PLAN FOR CHANGE, a utopian society where everyone is equal and no child shall go hungry, (while in state custoday and learning to shoot a rifle).

    Is that enough for you TWC or do you want more???

  14. If you want to completely ruin America…then vote for Gingrich the newest liar shill for the nwo…..

  15. Now…Erik Prince, the billionaire founder of Blackwater (now rebranded Xe) is building a stealth, American…led mercenary army in the United Arab Emirates …with $529 million from the oil..soaked sheikdom… The business plan, at least in part, appears to be to help autocratic regimes crush popular democratic uprisings..a response to ….Arab Spring…. Oh, this will turn out well. …
    Best Wishes

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    November 27th, 2011 at 3:22 pm


    To back up what trouble8696 is saying, here are a few sources.







    Our thanks to trouble8696. Good job trouble8696.


  16. Islamabad Marriott Hotel bombing…..of 20 September 2008, …when a dump truck filled with explosives detonated in front of the Marriott Hotel in the Pakistani capital Islamabad, killing at least 54 people…was actually meant to GET Erik Prince…they missed him by 1 a 1/2 hour s ….he was already on his way home in his private JET….
    Best Wishes

  17. And all the conservatives will gladly vote for Newt because he will be, in their eyes, the lesser of two evils……and the game goes on. There will be but one end to this. Its ugly!

  18. I hope the American people are not on this chicken hawks bandwagon!!
    He talks a bunch of bullcrap ! He kinda looks like a bloated Gollum!!!

  19. @reconscoutsniper …..thank you sir…
    Cheers mate
    Best Wishes

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    November 27th, 2011 at 4:10 pm

    You sir, are welcome.


  20. Even ZeroHedge started to support him!!!
    Hey boys, our enemy is not stupid at all.
    He knows well what we are doing.


  22. this fella is like a water balloon. amazing there is enough bone mass in his spine to hold him up rite.

  23. this fisherman is walking up the dock carrying a bucket with two lobsters, game warden asks to see his license to fish, and he says no warden i did not catch these fishing there my pets, i come here every day whistle and they come up out of the water, i put them in the bucket and take them for a walk. the warden says you need to show a license to fish, and the fisher says watch and dumps the lobsters back in the water. the warden says now call the lobsters out, the fisher says what lobsters?..

  24. maybe they will roll out pat Robertson, as prez is the only way he can exploit his gold holdings…..

  25. Paul’s only got one chance and that’s to run for a 3rd party.
    He also needs to exploit the media bias he’s under through his promotional machine.
    The msm has been waiting for Newt and their gonna run with him as the obama solution.

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