Hundreds more firefighters called in to battle Colorado wildfire

The blaze has mushroomed to 43,000 acres, making it the third largest in
Colorado history, having more than doubled to 39,000 acres from Sunday to
Monday alone.

The fire has claimed one life, a 62-year-old woman whose remains were found in
the ashes of her burnt-out cabin. The cause of the fire has been confirmed
as lightning.

In Washington, a spokesman said President Barack Obama called Colorado
Governor John Hickenlooper to voice sorrow at “the loss of life as a
result of the wildfires and the extensive damage to homes and other

“The President underscored that the administration . stands ready to
provide additional resources should they be needed by responders working to
protect lives and property,” added the White House spokesman.

In neighbouring New Mexico, meanwhile, firefighters said better weather
conditions Monday had enabled them to make progress on containing a fire
that has ravaged more than 36,000 acres.

Nearly 1,000 crew were dealing with the New Mexico blaze, which was now 30 per
cent contained, according to an update on the website.

“Yesterday’s break in the weather allowed firefighters to make
significant progress … However, firefighters are not lulled into
complacency, because the fire is still active,” it said.

The Department of Homeland Security meanwhile said it was working closely with
emergency services tackling wildfires in a number of western states also
including Arizona, California, Utah and Wyoming.

In all 19 active large fires were burning in nine states, “including one
of the largest wildfires in New Mexico history and one of the largest
wildfires in Colorado history,” it said.

And some 4,500 extra firefighters have been dispatched by federal agencies,
which are also providing emergency funding to help states cope with the
costs of tackling mass blazes.

Source: agencies

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