Iran censures terrorist attack in Kirkuk, killing 4 Iranians

Tehran, Oct 21, IRNA – Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qasemi on Friday strongly condemned a suicide attack by Daesh terrorists at a power generation plant in the vicinity of the Iraqi Kirkuk city which claimed several lives, including those of four Iranian technicians.

Expressing strong hatred and regret over the brutal incident which occurred Friday morning, Qasemi offered condolences to and sympathized with the families of the victims of the ferocious attack, particularly those of the four Iranian martyrs.

‘These are the last breath of terrorists in Iraq and they are to take the revenge of their humiliating defeats in the battlefields by carrying out blind terrorist operations and killing defenseless civilians,’ said the spokesman.

Commenting on the exact number of the Iranian casualties in the attack, Qasemi said that based on the primary figures, four Iranians have been killed and three others were injured.

He added that Iran’s Consulate General in Sulaymaniyah is probing into the case.

Kirkuk is located 175 kilometers southeast of Mosul and is an oil-rich city of the war-stricken country.

Iraqi popular forces along with its Army and Kurdish peshmerga have started series of military operations since October 17 to liberate the city of Mosul from the occupation of the Daesh terrorists and have so far made surprise advances.

Ghias Sourchi, a top official with the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), said on October 19 that less than 48 hours into the operation, the Iraqi forces have liberated more than 20 villages, three districts and a city center from the hands of Daesh terrorists.

He said that Iraqi Army, popular forces and Kurdish peshmerga acted in full coordination and solidarity in the fight against Daesh.


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