Italian waiters drug dealing past catches up with him on Facebook

In one of the photos, the name of the restaurant was clearly visible.

In an operation to track him down code-named ‘Big Ben’, Italian police
contacted Interpol, who got in touch with the Metropolitan Police, who
arrested Mr Grasso and had him extradited back to Italy.

He was flown back under a police escort and remanded in custody in Rome’s
Regina Coeli prison.

If convicted of drug dealing, he faces five years in jail and a fine of 24,000

A similar case occurred last year, when a young woman inadvertently betrayed
her boyfriend, a mafia fugitive, by uploading their holiday snaps on
Facebook, giving police vital clues as to his location.

Salvatore D’Avino had been on the run for four years, with police believing he
was living under an assumed identity in Morocco.

But in August last year he travelled to Spain, apparently so that his heavily
pregnant girlfriend could give birth.

The photos she uploaded enabled Spanish and Italian police to capture D’Avino
as he was filling his car with petrol in a town near Marbella on the Costa
del Sol.

D’Avino, a member of one of the drug-dealing clans that make up the Camorra
mafia, was on the list of Italy’s 100 most wanted criminals.

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