Krauthammer Calls PBS’s Inside Washington an ‘Arm of the DNC’

On Friday’s Inside Washington on PBS, regular panel member and conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer chided host Gordon Peterson for leading the show with the story of Mitt Romney’s tax returns as Krauthammer argued that the “gaffe of the year” was committed by President Barack Obama the same week.

After Peterson set up the discussion of Romney’s tax returns, he turned to Krauthammer, who began:

(Video can be found here.)

Gordo, you’re killing me. This is a week when Obama makes the gaffe of the year, and you lead with the taxes. I’ll be a good soldier. I’ll play along. This is an arm of the DNC, I know, but I’ll play along.

For the next topic of discussion, Peterson did turn to President Obama’s “you didn’t build that” line without playing video of the gaffe.

Below is a transcript of the relevant exchange from the Friday, July 20, Inside Washington on PBS:

GORDON PETERSON: Well, is Romney right?  Is the President out of touch with the country? But what’s going on here? Why doesn’t Romney just get rid of the headache, just release the tax returns? Charles?

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Gordo, you’re killing me. This is a week when Obama makes the gaffe of the year, and you’re leading with the taxes? Look, I’ll be a good soldier. I’ll play along. This is an arm of the DNC, I know, but I’ll play along.

PETERSON: The question was about Mitt Romney, I just thought I’d remind you.

KRAUTHAMMER: Romney and taxes. Yes, of course. Well, here’s the answer. He’s releasing two years. John McCain released two years. And John Kerry, John Kerry’s wife, Teresa Heinz, who as Willie Sutton would say, is where the real money is, never released any. Two years is enough.

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