Libyan militias shut down 3 oil refineries in east

TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — A former Libyan rebel commander says militias have shut down three oil refineries in the country’s east on the eve of national elections to press the transitional government to cancel the vote.

Fadlallah Haroun says the militias closed refineries in Ras Sedr, Brega and Sedra on Friday.

Militias also have cut the country’s main coastal highway linking east with west, and have ransacked election commission offices in three cities.

They want Saturday’s vote for a 200-member national assembly canceled because they say the vote will marginalize the oil-rich east, which has been allocated less than a third of the parliamentary seats.

Some easterners are calling for a boycott of the vote.

The new national assembly is tasked with forming a transitional government until a new constitution is in place.

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