Man dressed as Afghan soldier shoots dead American soldier at military base

  • Soldier killed one US soldier inside Afghan-US military base in Kunar Province in eastern Afghanistan
  • Unclear whether attacker is Afghan soldier or infiltrator
  • Death brings the number of NATO soldiers killed by Afghan colleagues to 20 so far this year
  • Reports two other soldiers were injured unconfirmed

Jill Reilly

11:16 EST, 11 May 2012


11:17 EST, 11 May 2012

A man wearing an Afghan National Army uniform opened fire on NATO troops in eastern Afghanistan, killing one, officials said.

A local police chief in Kunar province said the soldier was an American, but NATO’s International Security Assistance Force did not say which country the deceased soldier was from.

Today’s shooting brings the death toll to 20 NATO soldiers who have been killed by Afghan colleagues in at least 15 separate attacks so far this year.

NATO shooting: It remains unclear whether the attacker is an Afghan soldier or an infiltrator wearing the Aghan National Army uniform

NATO shooting: It remains unclear whether the attacker is an Afghan soldier or an infiltrator wearing the Afghan National Army uniform

There are unconfirmed reports that two other soldiers were also killed during the shooting.

‘An Afghan army soldier turned his weapon against US soldiers inside an Afghan-US military base in Kunar province, killing one US soldier and injuring two others,’ said provincial police chief Ewaz Mohammad Naziri.

The attack took place early Friday and the gunman managed to flee the scene, Naziri said.

Mission: NATO US soldiers distribute food among children in Kabul, Afghanistan yesterday - so far 20 NATO soldiers killed by Afghan colleagues so far this year

Mission: NATO US soldiers distribute food among children in Kabul, Afghanistan yesterday – 20 NATO soldiers killed by Afghan colleagues so far this year

The Taliban claimed the attacker was
part of the Taliban and had infiltrated in order to attack foreign

NATO confirmed there had been an
attack in Kunar Province killing one soldier but did not disclose that
soldier’s nationality, or give any other details beyond saying it was
investigating the case.

a separate statement, NATO said a second coalition soldier had died
Friday, this time in an insurgent attack in southern Afghanistan, but it
gave no more details.

The shooting comes just four days after three coalition troops were killed by an improvised explosive device (IED) in eastern Afghanistan.

Last Thursday the Taliban announced the start of its ‘spring offensive.’

Seven Afghans, many of them children, were killed after a large bomb exploded in Kabul last week, with the Taliban claiming responsibility.

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