NNSA measuring background radiation over Baltimore

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Mark Rockwell
May 16, 2012

The agency in charge of national nuclear security and incident response is flying a helicopter over the city of Baltimore to conduct background radiation checks in the city between May 14 and 16.

National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) officials said on May 11 that the radiation assessment of naturally-occurring levels of radiation will cover approximately 10 square miles and it would complete the assessment operations using a helicopter equipped with remote gamma radiation sensing technology. The helicopter will fly in a grid pattern over the areas, 300 feet (or higher) above the ground surface, at a speed of approximately 80 miles per hour, said the agency.

The agency explained that the measurement of naturally occurring radiation to establish baseline levels is a normal part of security and emergency preparedness. NNSA said is making the public aware of the upcoming flights so that citizens who see the low-flying aircraft wouldn’t be alarmed.

The NNSA’s Remote Sensing Laboratory (RSL) out of Andrews Air Force Base will be performing the assessment, it said.

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3 Responses to “NNSA measuring background radiation over Baltimore”

  1. Horseshit! They’re checking for elevated radiation to detect a nuclear device being smuggled in @ the port of Baltimore. You can look at the dates (just prior to Nato’s meeting) and see what this mapping is for. If I’m wrong than it sure is a funny coincidence this is being done now.

  2. I Live in Baltimore… 5 minutes from the stadium…. and to be honest people here wouldnt pay two secs attention to low flying helicopters because the crime here is so bad that they are constantly shinign lights through windows and patroling everywhere…. We are the Model of a police state… no guns allowed in city limits, cameras on every street light. which are proven not to stop crime… they have been up for years now. The police search you without probable cause. If your the wrong skin color in the wrong neighborhood your harassed and deemed a criminal. I have had numerous run ins with currupt cops and now carry a taser. go ahead make my f***ing day.

  3. Never trust any of these agencies. More likely they are spreading radiation.

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