Patient dying of thirst rang 999: Inquest hears of mother’s fury at nurses who neglected son

  • Nurses forgot to give Kane Gorny his medication and he became so delirious he called 999
  • His mother said she spent hours trying to convince staff he needed attention but was told he was alright
  • Alarm finally raised an hour before his death when a doctor realised how serious his condition was

Claire Ellicott

09:30 EST, 2 July 2012


16:40 EST, 2 July 2012

A young patient who died of dehydration at a leading teaching hospital phoned police from his bed because he was so thirsty, an inquest heard yesterday.

Officers arrived at Kane Gorny’s bedside, but were told by nurses that he was in a confused state and were sent away.

The keen footballer and runner, 22, died of dehydration a few hours later.

Kane Gorny

Hospital: Kane Gorny, 22, pictured with his mother Rita, needed drugs to regulate his hormone levels after successfully beating brain cancer. However, during a hospital stay nurses forgot to give him his medication

A coroner had such grave concerns about the case that she referred it to police.

Yesterday an inquest was told how Mr
Gorny died after blunders and neglect by ‘lazy and careless’ medical
staff at St George’s Hospital in Tooting, South London.

His mother Rita Cronin, a civil
servant told Westminster Coroner’s Court that staff tutted at her and
repeatedly refused to listen to her concerns that her son hadn’t been
given vital medication.

At one point he became so desperate
and upset that staff sedated and restrained him – and on the night
before his death, his mother said, he was not checked on by medical
staff, despite being in a room on his own.

Following his death, a nurse allegedly
inquired whether the family, from Balham, South-West London, was
‘finished’ and asked a matron in front of them whether she could ‘bag
him up’.

Mr Gorny, who worked in Waitrose and
was training to be a locksmith and shoe repairer, had survived a
malignant brain tumour in 2008.

Rita Cronin

Peter Gorny

Inquest: Rita Cronin, left, and Kane’s father Peter Gorny arriving at their son’s inquest. Rita told the court she had tried to convince the staff at the hospital her son needed urgent attention but they insisted he was alright

The cancer affected his pituitary
gland, which controls the body’s mechanisms, such as fluid levels. Part
of his treatment included a course of steroids to regulate the fluid
levels in his body. These drugs, however, weakened his bones and he was
in hospital for a routine hip replacement.

Doctors told him that, without regular medication to control his fluid levels, he would die.

When he arrived at hospital for the
hip operation, nurses assured the family they would give him his
medication and said: ‘Don’t worry, he’s in good hands – we’ll look after

But, despite the repeated reminders
and insistence by both Mr Gorny and his family, staff failed to give him
the tablets and he became severely dehydrated after being refused

In an interview with the Daily Mail in
2010, Miss Cronin said of the nurses who treated him: ‘They were lazy,
careless and hadn’t bothered to check his charts and see his medication
was essential. He was totally dependent on the nurses to help him and
they totally betrayed him.’

Yesterday Miss Cronin told the inquest
she received a distressed phone call from her son on May 27, 2009, in
which he told her he’d called the police because he was so desperate for
a drink.

St George's Hospital, Tooting, south London

Help: Police raced to St George’s Hospital in Tooting, south London (pictured) but were turned away by staff

She then went to the hospital where
she found him ‘confused and angry’, shouting at staff and behaving in an
uncharacteristically abusive manner.

Despite this, one doctor asked if he
was ‘coming off the booze’ and another asked if he was ‘always like
this’. Miss Cronin said: ‘He sounded really, really distressed. He said
“They won’t give me anything to drink”. ‘He also said “I’ve called the
police. You better get here quickly: they’re all standing around the bed
getting their stories straight”.’

When Miss Cronin arrived, she
recalled: ‘They weren’t doing anything. They seemed out of their depth.
It felt like the two locum doctors were nervous about calling anyone
more senior than them.’

The inquest heard Mr Gorny was
restrained by security guards and sedated with strong medication to calm
him down. Later, he was put into a side room and left alone.

Miss Cronin said she sat in his room
for three hours the night before he died without a single nurse checking
on him or giving him vital medicine.

‘He was starting to enjoy his life
again, even though he had pains in his hip.’

Kane’s mother Rita Cronin

She said she told a nurse who walked
past the room that Mr Gorny had not had his medication.  When Miss
Cronin volunteered to return to the hospital should he wake, another
nurse allegedly told her: ‘You don’t need to do that. If he makes noise,
I’ll close the door and then he won’t wake everyone up.’

She added: ‘I later realised that her comment was unbelievable but I was so distraught that it didn’t register.’

The morning of her son’s death, May
28, 2009, Miss Cronin arrived at the hospital early to find him
delirious with swollen lips and a swollen tongue.

She recalled: ‘I then heard three
nurses outside his room and I said: “There’s something wrong with my
son. He doesn’t look right.”

‘The nurse said to me “He had a good night. There’s nothing wrong with him and he’s just had breakfast and a chat with us.”

‘I thought: “How could he have had breakfast? There’s no evidence (of breakfast).”

‘The nurse carried on her handover then I interrupted again and said: “He’s not right.”

‘The other nurse then tutted and said:
“She’s already told you he had a good night.” And with that the three
of them walked off.’

Miss Cronin said she then noticed that
her son hadn’t been given his medication because the packet was still
on the table by his bed.

She told the locum doctor about her concerns, but the doctor said it wouldn’t do him any harm.

A doctor doing the rounds then checked
on Mr Gorny. Miss Cronin said: ‘He took one look at him then he started
calling to everyone “Get in there quickly”.

‘It suddenly dawned on me he hasn’t
had his medication, hasn’t had his bloods done, nobody’s given him a
drink, nobody’s bothered to put his drip back on him.

‘Nobody’s done anything since yesterday afternoon when he became aggressive.’

She said there was a ‘flurry of
activity’ and everyone ‘had a very sad look on their face’ as they
battled to save her son’s life. Miss Cronin said: ‘The main doctor came
out and you could tell he was really angry. He said: “You need to go and
see your son. He’s dying.”

The couple then found their son lying
in blood and fluid-soaked sheets and a nurse came in and asked them to
help her to change them. The same nurse later came into the matron’s
office and asked whether they were ‘finished’, adding: ‘Can I bag him

The death certificate said Mr Gorny died of a ‘water deficit’ and ‘hypernatraemia’ – a medical term for dehydration.

Mr Gorny had radiotherapy and
chemotherapy following his diagnosis of brain cancer. He was eventually
given the all-clear and led a normal life until his mother noticed he
was having trouble with his hip.

As he waited for the surgery, his life started to return to normal.

‘He was out and about like everybody else,’ said Miss Cronin yesterday.

‘I always used to make him take his
tablets for the next morning, just in case he stayed at a friend’s house
– and he knew the importance of his medication. We all did.

‘He was starting to enjoy his life
again, even though he had pains in his hip. He was upset he was having a
hip replacement – he was worried he would be in a wheelchair when he
was 50.’

Nurses at the hospital were said to have been offered counselling as a result of Mr Gorny’s death.

The inquest continues. The case is still being considered by the Crown Prosecution Service.


Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
or debate this issue live on our message boards.

The comments below have been moderated in advance.

Nurses just don’t want to do nursing anymore. They feel
With their degrees they’re too qualified. Where does that leave us?

The problem today in nursing is, people go into it for wages not the vocation plus everyone is scared of being sued.
– Paul UK, Lancs, 02/07/2012 17:35
Nurses get paid good wages? Im a nurse and I must be working for the wrong employer then!

Its not jhust in the NHS, I had an operation in a private hospital and there was a nurse there that was incredibly nasty to me and to another patient who was heamorrhaging after a hysterectomy. She was crying out in pain and the nurse told her to pull herself together and not make such a fuss – the lady subsequently died.
– me, here, 02/07/2012 17:40
Did you take appropriate action and report to the NMC?

I’m sorry it’s nothing to do with nurses having to do degrees. Degree or Diploma, there are good nurses and very bad nurses and there is no need for this abuse of patients. Poor lad, my sympathy goes to his family.

BRING BACK THE MATRON……the nurses who worked under a good old fashioned draconian matron were ALWAYS up to scratch.They had to be.
– A.Macmillan, Volos Greece, 02/07/2012 17:47
Erm we do have matrons still.

Heartbreaking, truly :'(
Thoughts to the family and friends.
So sad x


I work in a hospital in Dublin and I can tell you this is not isolated. Nurses dont give a damn especially since nursing became a degree course, and they now spend little or no time in the hospital before they get their degree. They then go on every course possible and after 5/6 years take as many senior admin jobs as possible, most senior admin jobs in the hospital I work in are taken my nurses. They spend their lives on degree course after degree course going higher and higher up the ladder and they couldnt care less about patient care. And then they moan about a lack of nurses on the wards, they are a bunch of self serving hypocrites.

When my mum was dying of cancer we took it turns to stay with her during periods in hospital and we felt that we were ‘standing guard’. I won’t bore you with the various cock-ups, the right hand not knowing what the left hand was doing etc etc but I know that if anyone close to me was in hospital now I would be there as often as possible and make myself known to the staff. Doesn’t always make you popular but sadly you have to do it. Also, be there during the doctors rounds early in the morning so you know what is going on and they know you. Keep an eye on what the patient eats and also drinks as hospitals are such hot places you dehydrate very quickly. Very sorry for this family’s tragic loss – you did your best to help him.

Unbelievable! Words absolutely fail me

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