Pilot killed after aircraft crashes into cliff and bursts into flames shortly after takeoff

Pamela Owen

05:58 EST, 22 July 2012


05:58 EST, 22 July 2012

A pilot has died after his light aircraft smashed into a cliff off the coast of Cornwall and burst into flames.

The plane had just taken off from a nearby airfield and flew into the cliff at a beauty spot known as Sheep Rock, Nancekuke, near picturesque Portreath.

Witnesses reported how the plane was surrounded by flames, believed to have started when fuel from its ruptured tanks caught fire.

Police officers investigate the burnt out wreckage of the light aircraft which crashed into the cliffs at Nancekuke, near Portreath, in Cornwall. Witnesses reported seeing the plane on fire before it crashed

Police officers investigate the burnt out wreckage of the light aircraft which crashed into the cliffs at Nancekuke, near Portreath, in Cornwall. Witnesses reported seeing the plane on fire before it crashed

No-one could reach the pilot in time to save him and investigators are now trying to piece together exactly what happened.

Devon and Cornwall Police have not yet confirmed the pilot’s name but he is thought to be from St Austell, a few miles from the scene of the tragedy.

He’d taken off in the light aircraft just a few minutes earlier from Perranporth Flying Club just after four o’clock on Saturday afternoon.

Eye witnesses reported seeing the wrecked plane hanging from the cliff edge near the old RAF Poretreath site, a plume of smoke rising above it.

Police, coastguards, an air-sea rescue helicopter from the Royal Navy base at Culdrose and fire crews from all over Cornwall were scrambled to the scene at Sheep Rock.

A police spokesman said: ‘At 4.05pm an aircraft left Perranporth Flying Club. Very shortly afterwards it collided with cliffs. It was on fire, and the plane landed on top of the cliff face.

‘Nobody else is thought to have been in the aircraft and there were no casualties on the ground.

‘Police, fire and rescue and HM Coastguard all attended the scene with the aircraft reported on fire.

‘Following early investigation, the pilot of the aircraft has died as a result of the incident. The fire is now extinguished.

‘It is believed he was a man from the St Austell area of Cornwall.

The plane can be seen at the top of the cliffs at Nancekuke. Police have not yet named the man but have said they believe he is from nearby St Austell

The plane can be seen at the top of the cliffs at Nancekuke. Police have not yet named the man but have said they believe he is from nearby St Austell

‘We do not currently believe there are any other people involved or injured as a result of the collision.

‘The Air Accident Investigations Branch have been informed and investigations at the scene are continuing.’

Police say the pilot’s identity will not be released until this next of kin are informed.

They expect teams from the Air Accident Investigations Branch to take over the case today.

A Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service spokesman said: ‘We received a call from a member of the public in regards to a light aircraft which had been seen in collision with cliffs near Sheep Rock outside of Portreath.

‘We mobilised four major appliances, four special appliances and two Land Rovers from Redruth, Camborne, Truro, Falmouth, Perranporth and St Just.

‘On the crews’ arrival they discovered the wreckage of a light aircraft and several fires around the crash site.’


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A terrible tragedy however this happened and especially in my home county. My condolences to the deceased pilot’s family and friends.

carb icing leading to forced landing?

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