RNC Threatens To Bar Nevada To Stop Delegates Voting For Ron Paul

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Army of Paul supporters are seizing control of GOP in under the radar coup

Steve Watson
May 4, 2012

RNC Threatens To Bar Nevada To Stop Delegates Voting For Ron Paul Ron Paul Supporters MSU

In a stunning move, the Republican National Committee has warned that it may refuse to allow the entire delegation for Nevada to be seated at the national convention for fear that Ron Paul supporters have taken control of the state.

Officials are petrified that Paul’s army of supporters are in position to take up more delegate slots than Mitt Romney supporters. While Romney is thought to have won 20 of the 28 slots available in Nevada, officials fear that the delegates that take them will ignore party rules by voting for Paul over Romney during the first round of balloting.

“I believe it is highly likely that any committee with jurisdiction over the matter would find improper any change to the election, selection, allocation, or binding of delegates, thus jeopardizing the seating of Nevada’s entire delegation to the National Convention,” said John R. Phillippe Jr., the chief counsel for the RNC, in a letter obtained by the Las Vegas Sun.

“If a prospective delegate’s name is certified to the RNC but has not been approved by an authorized representative of the candidate he or she professes to support, grounds for a contest may exist,” Phillippe wrote.

“In any case, to the extent a prospective delegate is purportedly elected in excess of the number of slots allocated to his or her preferred candidate, such delegate will be bound to vote at the national convention for the candidate to whom that delegate was allocated.”

Nevada news source rgj.com reports that despite the threats from the RNC, Carl Bunce, chairman of Paul’s campaign in Nevada, has pledged to continue the strategy of electing as many Paul supporters as possible to Nevada’s national delegation this Saturday at the state convention.

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Bunce said that the strategy is within the rules, referring to the RNC letter as “a creative writing assignment given to them by the Romney campaign to threaten the Paul supporters and Ron Paul campaign.”

“It’s ridiculous. It is nothing more than a veiled threat.” Bunce added.

“You can’t come in in the seventh inning and say, ‘Oh, we are going to change the rules here. The (Romney) campaign adviser has to come in and give you a loyalty test on who you support before you can go to bat,” Bunce said. “This is tyranny, if you can come in and change the rules whenever you want. That’s not a republic. That’s tyranny.”

As we reported yesterday, Republican officials all over the country are terrified that Ron Paul’s mass appeal among grassroots groups and the exceptionally strong dedication and organisation of Paul supporters could see them hijack the national convention for their candidate.

Many Republican insiders believe that Paul’s supporters are literally seizing control of the party by stealth at the State level.

If Paul can score a plurality of delegates from five states, his supporters could nominate him from the convention floor. If delegates thought to be Romney supporters then actually turn out to be Paul supporters, the convention could be thrown into chaos as far as GOP officials see it.

This weekend, Paul supporters in Maine are aiming to get their own convention chairman elected and take a majority of delegate slots in another “takeover” attempt.

Last weekend, Paul delegates dominated Louisiana GOP caucuses. Paul supporters won about four and a half of the six Congressional District caucus conventions. A campaign news release noted that Paul is now in position to dominate the state convention in June.

In Massachusetts, Paul national campaign chairman Jesse Benton told the Daily Caller that Paul supporters occupy 16 of 19 delegate slots filled in congressional district selection processes.

“They are bound to Romney but support Ron,” Benton told the Daily Caller. “The effect of this coup isn’t immediately clear.”

Paul supporters have also registered a number of successes in the past week at state committees and conventions in Minnesota, Alaska, Iowa, Colorado, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island.

Speaking on Bloomberg News earlier in the week, the congressman himself admitted that his campaign was “doing very, very well” by using the establishment’s own rules against it.

“Just look at this last week. The news is very favorable to us. We could even end up winning Iowa, ironically enough. In Minnesota, we’re doing well, and Maine, Nevada and Missouri. We’re doing very, very well. Some of the states we could very well win or come up very much because the delegate process is completely different than these straw votes,” Paul said.


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’ Infowars.net, and Prisonplanet.com. He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.

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28 Responses to “RNC Threatens To Bar Nevada To Stop Delegates Voting For Ron Paul”

  1. Be afraid be very afraid….of Ron Paul and his fellow freedom lovers!

  2. Oh and fuck the RNC!

  3. the country divides, freedom and on the other side force.

    down with the clown Reply:
    May 4th, 2012 at 9:44 am

    all I can say to them is good luck. because freedom will ring real an true.

  4. The RNC would ensure the death of the Republican Party by refusing to seat a State’s delegation because you don’t like the fact they are going to bust your narrarative. If they’re afraid of the nomination process, then why are they even spending Millions (some of it taxpayer funds) on a CONVENTION? Seems like a collossal waste of time and money to me, making the exercise irresponsible.

    Do you want these unseated Nevada delegates speaking to the media? Oh, they’ll fly there anyway. Be denied entry and then the recriminations start. And you KNOW OMSNBC will be shouting the divisions from the rooftops — anything to case a negative light (in this case, rightly deserved). There will be PLENTY of news cameras about to cover this.

    havoc Reply:
    May 4th, 2012 at 8:51 am

    Bread and circuses my friend. The money is irrelevant. They’ll steal it from you if need be. The point is to control the narrative and maintain appearances.

    The RNC is NOT.. repeat NOT concerned about winning the election. The RNC is concerned with making certain that a GLOBALIST is sitting in the whitehouse when the smoke clears. If they have to lose to accomplish that end, that is all they care about. If they were concerned with winning, they wouldn’t be doing the things they are doing because it has destroyed any
    hint of credibility that could be vested in the RNC. Knowing that, they keep publicly getting spanked and keep publicly pursuing their campaign of outright theft, fraud and election tampering. They are willing not just to lose; but, to destroy the party in order to keep a patriot out of the office.

    Kinda have to understand what their concern is. They’ve had to use incrementalism to get where they are today. Little steps at a time over the course of decades. A patriot in office could walk in and day one destroy 50 years worth of incrementalism without batting an eye and with the praise and leave of the American people. They cannot allow that to happen at any cost.

    Personally, I think the process is the only thing stopping the people from dealing more directly with these establishment traitors right now. If they cannot get a legitimate win due to all the fraud, all bets are off. If the establishment assassinates Paul to stop him, the hell and fury that will be unleashed in this nation against the establishment will make the world stand up and take notice of the resolve of a free Republic. They’re losing and it’s gonna get messy. Hopefully, it doesn’t get out of control.

    Vengeance Reply:
    May 4th, 2012 at 9:11 am

    Yep. Just looked at my mail-in ballot today and for some VERY strange reason (now that I’m registered as a Constitutionalist) it had NO section to cast a vote for any Presidential candidate. We all figured that these so-called elections WERE rigged since They ‘did away’ with Kennedy, but to actually have it ON paper in my hands was something else.

    Ironically the ‘little voice’ is warning me that the They will most likely be using these ballots as a final targetting marker solidifying who all does indeed get to go to THE camps. It’s never been wrong before, but I do hope that this time it is… 🙁

  5. In other words, ” If you guys don’t vote the way we want you to, we won’t let you vote at all.” Good to see democracy and freedom are still alive in America….pshhh

  6. They FINALLY have to deal with the Paulistas. And not by shutting the door in their faces.

  7. It is ironically hilarious to me that the RNC is scared to death that after stealing Nevada from Paul in 08, he might just steal it back in 12. The concern right now is that Paul supporters control the state delegations so far because Paulists were elected as delegates to represent all candidates.

    Santorum or Romney may win the delegate slot; but, due to their lack of local support, they couldn’t put actual bodies in place to fill those slots in many cases and Paul supporters stepped in.
    In other cases, Paul supporters simply outnumbered the competition and elected their own delegate slates by majority rule.. and by the rules, mind you.

    After all the fraud, cheating, rule breaking, etc. that the establishment has employed against Paul and his supporters to date from 08 up to now, for them to be crying about what Paul might do is an extreme case of chuztpah to say the least. Romney may have 600 plus delegates in theory; but, Paul controls a huge number of them through the elected delegate slates. He also controls most of the alternates who would stand in if those delegates couldn’t make the convention for whatever reason. A man seeking justice could very well throw a wrench into the works in Tampa by simply excercising the control over the delegate slates that Paul holds. Paul could exact justice if he so chose. And yes, the RNC is concerned he will do just that.

    As far as I’m concerned, if that is what happens, I’m good with it. I’m not convinced it is what will happen; but, given the power that Paul is ammassing and the control he can then wield at the convention, I’m not certain how he can not come away at this point with the nomination. It’s dead apparent that Romney couldn’t fill an outhouse with supporters if his life depended upon it, much less if his campaign did. This belies in and of itself the lack of popular support Romney actually has juxtaposed next to his beauty contest wins. The two, by far, fail to add up
    to a logically cohesive picture of a front runner. Paul is the frontrunner, by numbers, by delegate wins, by whatever standard one wishes to measure with. And with so much light now on the local process, the establishment can no longer get away with stealing. So now they are whining.

  8. What’s the point of voting if they tell you who you can vote for? And if they suspect you won’t tow the line, they disenfranchise you! You thought the left/right paradigm was bad for voting, how about within the inner party where you have no choice at all. Your vote is 100% ceremonial.


    Vengeance Reply:
    May 4th, 2012 at 9:13 am

    ‘Shut up and eat your gruel! But remember ‘citizen’, Obama LOVES you…”

  9. people ask me who is the new world order????.,,.i give the usual names.,,i need names of all those peeps and the collaborators,.that would help to wake up the donkies.,

    havoc Reply:
    May 4th, 2012 at 8:59 am

    Go to the congressional register and start looking at who voted for what. Key votes would be the NAFTA treaty as well as the WTO treaty. Look at published membership lists of the Council on Foreign relations. A lot of this work has been done already I’m sure; but, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh and the vote is cast. So you’ll know them by their voting records.

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    May 4th, 2012 at 9:14 am


    down with the clown Reply:
    May 4th, 2012 at 9:46 am

    we need a deck of card’s for these asshole’s

  10. In order for Ron Paul to win, he must be on the ballot. If he doesn’t run third party, he will not be on the ballot. It’s as simple as that.

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    May 4th, 2012 at 9:13 am


  11. First off the majority of the Republican National Committee like Romney and his senior election staff grew up spoiled and rich. They are used to having their way. They have never not had it like that. Their parents told them they are more important then everyone else. To now have those they have been taught to look down their noses in contempt at not see them as better then them and bow down is a bitter pill to swallow.

    Only spoiled brat children act like the RNC. Waaaa, this isn’t fair you’re playing by the rules. If you don’t play by my rules the game is over. Why not just throw a temper tantrum and hold your breath until your blue in the face Romney and your supporters. How about drop to the ground and flail your arms and legs whining and screaming. You are acting like spoiled children after all. I am 37 now and when I was a child I showed a hell of a lot more maturity then all of you scum in the RNC and in Romney’s campaign combined!

    Ron Paul 2012!

    down with the clown Reply:
    May 4th, 2012 at 9:49 am

    nice post. don’t make them cry now.

  12. “This is tyranny, if you can come in and change the rules whenever you want. That’s not a republic. That’s tyranny.”

    ROFLMAO… as if we live in a republic…. RINO (Republic in name only)

    Likened to “I can’t believe…” or “They can’t do that!” or “Can you believe?” or the best one ” That’s illegal!!!”

    Too funny…

    getitgotitgood Reply:
    May 4th, 2012 at 9:11 am

    Remember how they screwed up the Primary Elections? I ask you… What’s the difference?

  13. “They are bound to Romney but support Ron,”

    What if they vote Paul anyhow? Has a delegate ever been imprisoned for voting his or her conscience? Personally even if it meant I had to spend the entire Paul Presidency in prison I’d still vote for him.

    So many Americans have given their lives for America are Paul delegates brave enough to give up their freedom for country?

  14. I think the People have had enough. When President Paul gets in the Office an Executive order to repeal all the illegal strings attached to the constitution, all with the pen. Yes indeed at that point the Pen will truly be mightier than the sward.
    We will not stop until this country is restored to its original document of the Law of the Land.
    Maybe once in my life I can truly say I am a free soul.
    If the world would just adopt what Ron Paul stands up for we can all live in peace and prosper world wide.

    down with the clown Reply:
    May 4th, 2012 at 9:52 am

    Odumbass an his pen show that vary well.

  15. The RNC DNC leadership are all establishment, CFR member crooks who do “NOT” care for the freedom message to be heard! Thus the fear of Dr. Paul and his message!

  16. Not one person in here ever mentions that Romney is a Mormon. And not just any old Mormon. He is a devout Mormon and leader of the church at the highest levels. At least RON PAUL and OBAMA are good christians. Ron PAUL is trying to save our country. When Joel Osteen does and interview stating that mormons are christians. How much money do you think he was paid to say that?

    Just remember there is Mormon propaganda every where. Mike Huckabee and Glen Beck are Mormon. Where are all the good christian men leaders. Have they all become weak and impotent from the soy poison in our food?

  17. It appears to me that we are seeing history being made right in front of us! this is really exciting but it scares me strange happenings may be afoot! If Ron Paul keeps making headway some of these people are going to be running scared and that could be dangerous. This is going to turn out to be a really exciting period in our history. Ron Paul is hardly even mentioned on my local news! I did see a short segment about his visit to calif. on the local Sacramento news this morning.

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