Seahawks’ running back Marshawn Lynch arrested in California for investigation of DUI

OAKLAND, Calif. – The California Highway Patrol says Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch was arrested in the Oakland area for investigation of DUI.

Officer Peter van Eckhardt said late Monday that the 26-year-old Lynch was arrested early Saturday in the city of Emeryville.

Lynch was taken to the Santa Rita Jail, where he was cited and later released. Van Eckhardt says Lynch took a chemical test but it wasn’t clear whether that was a blood or breath test.

Van Eckhardt says the test results will be forwarded with the rest of the arrest information to the Alameda County district attorney’s office. He says he has no details of the arrest.

The Seahawks said a statement Monday that the team is “aware of the situation with Marshawn and still gathering information.”

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