SEALs Slam Obama For Exploiting bin Laden Killing to Win Votes

Toby Harnden
Daily Mail
April 30,2012

Serving and former US Navy SEALs have slammed President Barack Obama for taking the credit for killing Osama bin Laden and accused him of using Special Forces operators as ‘ammunition’ for his re-election campaign.

The SEALs spoke out to MailOnline after the Obama campaign released an ad entitled ‘One Chance’.

In it President Bill Clinton is featured saying that Mr Obama took ‘the harder and the more honourable path’ in ordering that bin Laden be killed. The words ‘Which path would Mitt Romney have taken?’ are then displayed.

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Earlier this week Alex detailed Obama’s attempt to grandstand over the alleged death of Bin Laden on the May Day anniversary celebrations.

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7 Responses to “SEALs Slam Obama For Exploiting bin Laden Killing to Win Votes”

  1. It all boils down to the age old standard. No head, no kill. This guy can’t provide a birth certificate or a head. Only fools and suckers believe a proven liar once again.

  2. Here’s an idea, how bouts the SEAL’s arrest obama for murdering seal team 6 to cover up the phony killing of osama! Oh yea, and for pretending to be a president after falsifying the credentials , ie., his birth cert and SS number!


  4. Considering that this “half-breed” has destroyed America and any ability to recover from our financial woes for possibly… ever… it may be fitting that he takes credit for having killed bin Laden in 2002. I mean what the hell difference does it make; if you take credit for someone elses’ work in years past, why not take credit for a military action like “saving the poo poo folks of Libya” also.

    This piece of shit was never a leader of anything save for organizing folks that had never voted to vote for someone that did not deserve to be elected.

    Thanks to all of you “suckers” that did what you did; you made a bed with a useless hobo-sexual, now lay in it with him.

    • The problem is not that piece of shit who claimed that he killed Osama; the problem is the media that is promoting that lie as if it was 100% absolute fact, and the public who is herded with heads bowed to the big lie and “that piece of shit”. any how Americans (who voted him in) deserve this “piece of shit ” as their president.

    • I love that post! I saw through that morons lies from the beginning, had my special Roddy Piper glasses on and could see his pizza face from the get go!

  5. That was a bad trick, getting me to watch a video of Bill Clinton praising the prez. I thought it was going to be navy seals slams the prez like the title said.

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