‘Success of talks lies in P5+1 approach’

Speaking at his weekly press briefing on Tuesday, Ramin Mehmanparast reiterated that the talks between Iranian negotiators and representatives from the P5+1 countries will be conducted based on agreements reached during their latest meetings in Baghdad on May 23 and 24.

The P5+1 countries include the five permanent members of the UN Security Council – China, France, Britain, Russia and the United States – plus Germany.

The extent to which these (P5+1) countries are prepared to engage in serious discussions while recognizing the absolute rights of our nation will further set the stage for a successful meeting, said Mehmanparast.

Insisting on Iran’s readiness for “completely serious” negotiations, the Iranian official added that both sides have offered some suggestions and expressed hope that the meeting between the deputies of [Iran’s chief negotiator] Saeed Jalili, and [P5+1’s top representative, Catherine Ashton] to study the agenda of the next summit will not be delayed.

Mehmanparast further expressed hope that the talks on the agenda and content of the upcoming meeting in Moscow, based on the consensus reached during the Baghdad and Istanbul negotiations, will be held “as soon as possible.”

Deputy Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Baqeri asserted earlier on Sunday that the P5+1’s unpreparedness in implementing the previous agreements has slowed down the progress of the talks.

He emphasized the point in a letter to EU’s Deputy Secretary General for the External Action Service Helga Schmid.

“In his bilateral meeting with H.E. Lady [Catherine] Ashton on the sidelines of Baghdad talks, H.E. Dr. [Saeed] Jalili touched upon this point and mentioned that your lack of preparation has caused the trend of the talks to be slowed down and even lead to a standstill,” he said.

During their talks in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad in May, the P5+1 and Iran agreed to hold another round of talks in Moscow on June 18-19.


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