Posts Tagged ‘flashpoint’

The Hard Hat Riot: A forgotten flashpoint in America’s culture wars

[embedded content] Missing from most history books is a key moment leading to the culture wars now ripping through American politics. In 1970, hundreds of construction workers pummeled around 1,000 student demonstrators in New York City — including two of my friends. The “Hard Hat Riot,” as it came to be known, ushered in an […]

Iraq Tightens Security Along Flashpoint Syria Frontier, Military Says

A view shows an Iraqi border outpost along the frontier with Syria, Iraq January 18, 2021. Photo: REUTERS/John Davison. Iraq is tightening security along its 400 mile border with Syria to curb the movement of Islamic State militants, drug smuggling and other illegal activities. Iraqi commanders on Monday toured the remote desert frontier controlled by […]

Poll watchers emerge as a flashpoint in battle over American ballots

AP — Election officials in key battleground states pushed back on claims by the Trump campaign that Republican poll watchers were being improperly denied access to observe the counting of ballots, saying Thursday that rules were being followed and they were committed to transparency. Tasked this year with monitoring a record number of mail ballots, […]

NEO – Russia will now eliminate all air threats to its forces in Syria – Veterans Today

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