Posts Tagged ‘glorification’

Over the past months, some of Trump’s followers have assumed his glorification of the coming vaxx was a brilliant strategy on his part. He had a secret “rescue” from the vaccine planned. | Well, here we are. I don’t see rescue. I see Trump selling the vaxx.

JON RAPPOPORT POSTED ON 13 DECEMBER 2020 Trump glorifies new COVID vaccine: what else did you expect? Note: In this climate, many people assume that if you say ANYTHING favorable about Trump, you support him all the way. If you say anything negative about him, you hate everything about him. I’ve never been in either camp. […]

Lithuanian police holding activist who protested glorification of alleged Holocaust perpetrators

Lithuanian police holding activist who protested glorification of alleged Holocaust perpetrators – Jewish Telegraphic Agency Skip to content Advertisement Advertisement

jews Lobby UN to Shut Down ‘Nazi Glorification’ and ‘Holocaust Denial’

WJC Geneva Representative Leon Saltiel spoke at the UN Human Rights Council regarding the need to combat the rise of Nazi glorification, Holocaust denial and distortion. Bitchute link

The VeGAINator: The Open Glorification of White Genocide

Andrew goes on a tear about how we are supposed to tolerate the open promotion and implementation of our genocide. Are you going to roll over and die? Source Article from

Israel’s Nuclear Weapons Program and the Displacement of Palestinian Bedouins

Fahwad Al-Khadoumi (nsnbc) : Lance Bartholomeusz, Director of UNRWA Operations in the West Bank condemned Israel’s latest round of large scale demolitions of homes in the Palestinian Bedouin refugee community Um al-Khair in the occupied Palestinian West Bank. Israel uses parts of the Negev desert for testing weapons with nuclear material and to dispose of nuclear […]

Understanding “Radicalization”, “Terrorism” and Xenophobia in America

Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence. Any man (or nation) who has once proclaimed violence as his method is inevitably forced to take the lie as his principle. –– Alexander Solzhenitsyn So it seems that all the Republicans running for president (and their supporters) are […]

Targeting children: ISIS uses dolls as booby-trap bombs to attack mass Shia pilgrimage

The diabolical plan was to scatter all the dolls alongside the road between Baghdad and Karbala during the Arbaeen pilgrimage, which is a Shia Muslim annual religious observance. Millions of Shia Muslims walk the path every year. In 2014, there was a new record number of pilgrims, totaling 17.5 million people. Arbaeen is the end […]

Venezuela will Review Relations with US after NSA Spying Revelations

Rachel Boothroyd Rojas (VA) : Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has announced that his government will review its diplomatic ties to the US, after a leaked document revealed the National Security Agency (NSA) had spied on executives at Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA.  The document, released by the Intercept in conjunction with TeleSUR this past Wednesday, is […]

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