Lets look at the founders of the occult group Golden Dawn http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermetic_Order_of_the_Golden_Dawn Anonymous = CIA operation Occupy= CIA operation Wikileaks Julian Assange = CIA operation Dalai Lama = CIA operation Osama Bin Laden = CIA operation Barack Obama = CIA operation Edward Snowden = CIA operation Adolf Hitler = CIA Mi6 operation Hamas = CIA […]
Posts Tagged ‘Golden Dawn’
Greek Village Calls Golden Dawn To Protect Them From Jewish Gypsy Crimes
April 15th, 2013 FAKE NEWS for the Zionist agenda
The incompetence and indifference of local police have caused citizens of Trapezonti Laconia (near Sparta) to seek support from the people’s protectors, Golden Dawn. Gypsy violence, sex attacks, and theft has plagued the beautiful town, with its most vulnerable citizens such as women, the elderly and children, afraid to leave their homes. Community leaders contacted […]
Royal British Family German Jews of illuminati / freemasons
March 28th, 2012 FAKE NEWS for the Zionist agenda
Views: 3