Posts Tagged ‘massacring’

Terrorizing and Massacring Civilians Israel’s Specialty

Victorious Gaza By Stephen Lendman Global Research, May 21, 2021 Israeli terror-bombing and shelling of besieged Gazans continues in its 11th day with no letup so far. Unindicted war criminal Netanyahu says he’s “determined” to keep massacring Gazans and terrorizing Palestinians throughout the Occupied Territories until his diabolical aims are achieved. A readout of Wednesday’s conversation […]

israel’s IDF are good at massacring unarmed Palestinian protesters but very little else

“Israel`s Juvenile Ground Army” W. Patrick Lang IMO the IDF ground forces are nothing like what the average American assumes them to be. They are in fact an army that has been very lucky in the enemies that they have faced. Their present employment in the massacre of Palestinians at Gaza is the kind of […]

Senior cleric condemns Saudi regime for massacring civilians in Yemen

FNA- Tehran’s provisional Friday Prayers Leader Hojjatoleslam Kazzem Seddiqi blasted the Riyadh government for ts continued massacre of civilians in Yemen. Addressing a large and fervent congregation of the people on Tehran University campus on Friday, Hojjatoleslam Seddiqi said, “The people of Yemen are under the harshest economic and military pressures while their living conditions […]

Turkey and “moderate” Free Syrian Army start massacring Syrian Kurds

nsnbc : Turkey and the Free Syrian Army have started shelling villages in the Shebha countryside in the self-proclaimed Kurdish “Rojava” Monday night, resulting […]

USA to pay victims of their war crime attack on Afghanistan Hosp. , could be as much as $5000, WOW

US to Pay Victims of Its Attack on Afghan Hospital The U.S. government said on Saturday that it plans to make “condolence payments” to those injured in an attack it carried out earlier this month on a Doctors Without Borders (MSF) hospital in Afghanistan. The series of airstrikes on the trauma center in Kunduz killed […]