Posts Tagged ‘unscientific’

Congress’ Unscientific Spillover

When I started studying pathogen spillover in 2017, I thought it would be a great way to do ecology and study pathogens without having to worry about the politics of medicine. My Princeton PhD studying “Quantitative and Computational Biology”, focused on theoretical ecology and evolutionary biology, seemed so perfectly esoteric and unreachably interdisciplinary that I […]

Saying There Are Multiple Genders Is “Unscientific Nonsense” Says Nobel Prize-Winning Biologist

A Nobel Prize-winning developmental biologist has blasted the German Federal Government’s recently appointed “Queer Commissioner” for claiming that it is “unscientific” to believe there are only two sexes. Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, who won the 1995 Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine said there is no third gender, “only two genders; male and female, exist” added that […]

Major Health Experts Resign over ‘Unscientific’ Vaccination of Children Under 5

Two of America’s top health agencies are reportedly hemorrhaging staff as poor decision-making, described by staff as ‘bad science,’ has led to low morale. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are both suffering staff shortages, according to Dr. Marty Makary, a top public-health expert at Johns […]

2022 Will Mirror 2021 Unless We Openly Disobey Unscientific Tyranny

To those who have been paying attention since the beginning of the pandemic, the authoritarianism currently unfolding in front of us was easily predictable. In fact, in March of 2020, TFTP predicted mandatory injections, the police state, and travel restrictions. This doesn’t make us special or psychic, it is easy to deduce once you realize […]

Paul Warns Of Omicron Overreach: ‘Unscientific Fauci Will Want You To Wear An Extra Mask, And Dictate You Can’t Go To Church’

Senator Rand Paul warned Wednesday that despite knowing little to nothing about the Omicron variant of COVID, which has been described as mild by South African doctors and experts, the prescription from the likes of Anthony Fauci and Joe Biden is ‘more government and less freedom.’ Appearing on Fox News, Paul urged that Fauci is […]

RFK, Jr. Calls for End to Unscientific COVID Measures at Events in Switzerland and Italy

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was in Switzerland and Italy last weekend urging an end to unreasonable, unscientific and ineffective COVID measures. By  Children’s Health Defense Team 13 Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender’s Top News of the Day. It’s free. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. spoke in Switzerland and Italy last weekend […]

Opposition To GMOs Is Neither Unscientific Nor Immoral

Charles Eisenstein, Guest Waking Times Is the engineering of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) a dangerous technology posing grave risks to human and ecological health? Or are GMOs a potent new tool in the onward march of modern agricultural technology in its race to feed the world? In a recent opinion piece – Avoiding GMOs […]

UK’s unscientific cannabis laws causing more harm than ever

     Nearly all cannabis on Britain’s streets is now super-strength skunk that could be fuelling the rise in mental health problems, scientists have warned. Researchers at King’s College London tested almost 1,000 police seizures from Kent, Derbyshire, Merseyside, Sussex and the capital in 2016 and found 94 per cent were of a dangerously high potency. […]

Find out how you can support the International Monsanto Tribunal’s investigation into crimes carried out by the most evil corporation in the world

(NaturalNews) In 2011, the United Nations implemented a set of guidelines aimed at protecting individuals from human rights abuses committed by states and companies. Created by the UN Human Rights Council, the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights is intended to “prevent and address human rights abuses committed in business operations.” The […]

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