‘Tel Aviv stops Britons leaving UK’

Three female activists had booked tickets with the low-cost airline Jet2.com for a flight to Tel Aviv to attend a pro-Palestinian gathering in the West Bank, but the airline sent them emails saying they would not be allowed on the flight and they will not even get refunds.

“It never crossed my mind that Israel could stop people with British passports leaving British airports,” one of the activists, Norma Turner, told the Guardian.

Jet2.com said it was forced to inform Tel Aviv of the passengers’ names, nationalities, dates of birth and passport numbers.

It said Israeli officials told the airline after getting the information that its aircraft would not be allowed to enter the occupied territories unless the three passengers are removed from the flight.

“We regret that, in light of the decision taken by the Israeli authorities, we are unable to accept you for carriage to Israel on this occasion and your booking with Jet2.com has been cancelled,” the airline said in emails to the three women.

The three were part of some 2,000 activists mainly from European countries who have planned to fly to Tel Aviv to demand the right to visit the West Bank as part of the Welcome to Palestine gathering on Sunday.

Activists aimed to attend the event in a so-called “flytilla” after they faced detentions and deportations by Israeli forces when they launched their first such attempt back in July.

Turner said she will sue Jet2.com as they had every legal requirement to board the plane, adding the airline’s move is a bow-down to Tel Aviv.

“I think the airline should honor its commitment. We had checked in, and we have our boarding passes,” she said.

“Every country has the right to control its own borders. But to stop us leaving British shores just shows the extent of Israel’s power and influence,” she added.

The flight cancellations came after German carrier Lufthansa, also under Israeli pressure, earlier blocked other activists.

Turner had earlier said the Israeli regime has created a prison for Palestinians with the support of its western allies especially the British government.

“The Israeli state denies Palestinian people all of their basic human rights including in many cases access to water, food, jobs, justice through the courts, good health care and medicines,” Turner said earlier this week.

“The continued collective punishment of the indigenous population of Palestine is enforced through military might and support of America and Europe, including the British government,” she added.


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