¿The best exercise for 14-year-olds is sex¿: History teacher obsessed with lewd talk is banned from the classroom for five years

  • Teacher told 16-year-old: ‘If I was younger and you were older, I’d have you’
  • Teacher has consistently denied any wrongdoing
  • Comments were made to a number of students aged 11, 12, 14 and 16

Phil Vinter

12:50 EST, 19 July 2012


13:01 EST, 19 July 2012

A sex-obsessed history teacher who made a string of inappropriate classroom comments and wanted to stalk his female pupils on Facebook has been prohibited from teaching.

A Teaching Agency panel took the decision to ban Dr Michael Davis for five years after being told he made sexual remarks to students at Highbury Fields School in London.

The head of sixth form made improper statements to girls aged 11, 12, 14 and 16, including telling one 16-year-old: ‘If I was younger and you were older I’d have you’.

Barred: A Teaching Agency panel took the decision to ban Dr Michael Davis for five years after being told he made sexual remarks to students at Highbury Fields School in London, pictured

Barred: A Teaching Agency panel took the decision to ban Dr Michael Davis for five years after being told he made sexual remarks to students at Highbury Fields School in London, pictured

The hearing heard that one pupil aged 12 wrote: ‘In lessons, Dr Davis keeps talking about sex and stuff and it’s not really relevant to the lesson.’

Another 12-year-old wrote: ‘He uses sexual words like breast, rape, sex.’

A third child of 12 said: ‘In nearly every lesson, Dr Davis always talks about sex. I think he is obsessed with that subject.’

The teacher also told a class of 14-year-olds : ‘The best form of exercise for people our age is sex.’

Other students recalled him using the letters from the word sex as a tool to to help students understand about paragraph structuring. ‘S’ stood for Source, ‘E’ for Evidence or Example and ‘X’ for Explanation.

Stalker: The hearing was also told that Dr Michael Davis, told one 16-year-old he wanted all the girls as Facebook friends 'so he could keep an eye on what they were up to'

Stalker: Dr Michael Davis, told one
16-year-old he wanted all the girls as Facebook friends ‘so he could
keep an eye on what they were up to’

The hearing heard that Dr Davis told one 16-year-old he wanted all the girls as Facebook friends ‘so he could keep an eye on what they were up to.’

Dr Davis was warned twice about his behaviour between 2007 and 2008 by his head teacher and eventually, after teachers reported their concerns, an investigation was held.

The teacher, an expert on the Bayeux Tapestry, denied the allegations and he has consistently denied any wrongdoing.

But he was suspended from his post in June 2008.

He was due to go before a disciplinary hearing at the school, but before it was held the two sides reached a compromise agreement about his departure.

Rebuttal: Dr Davis, who was an expert on the Bayeux Tapestry, denied the allegations and he has consistently denied any wrongdoing

Rebuttal: Dr Davis, who was an expert on the Bayeux Tapestry, denied the allegations and he has consistently denied any wrongdoing

The panel found the allegations against Dr Davis proved and that he was guilty of unacceptable professional conduct.

Teaching Agency official Alan Meyrick said : ‘We have concluded that his behaviour was a serious departure from the personal and professional conduct elements of the latest teachers’ standards and was conduct which had the potential to seriously affect the well-being of pupils.

‘The repeated use of sexualised language and sexual references falls significantly short of the behaviour expected of a teacher.’

He can apply to have the teaching ban set aside after five years.

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This appears to be a case of a serious breach of professional trust and a poor appointment on the part of the school. Good teachers have the maturity never to be fooled by the apparent sophistication of youth. Their pupils/students are still emerging from childhood and are vulnerable to abuse. The headteacher should have had the guts to suspend this teacher much earlier and get him the help that he needs. I worry that he may yet return to teaching.

He wasn’t banned for 5 years. He was banned for at least 5 years. Any further application by Dr. Davis could be rejected in due course.

I had a professor like this at university. He taught criminal law and when sharing case studies, he would say things to female students like: “OK, imagine I was an intruder and raped you, Sarah…” Almost every single lecture! Disgusting old man.


Proper wrong ‘un!

He sounds like a total freak..the further away from children he is the better

I have experience of a (biology!) teacher like this years ago. It was horrendous. It’s a power trip making everyone in the room distinctly uncomfortable. Just awful. This teacher should never have the chance to be reinstated full stop.

I insist on knowing the political preferences of this teacher!

The article doesn’t give the teacher’s age, he is in fact 20 years old at the time of the hearing.

My daughters music teacher always making innuendos and says things abt having orgasms. I tried to complain but they said one compliant must mean my daughter made it up. I know my daughter and she def didn’t make it up. I ask my daughter why no one else complains and she said that because he is the only one to do the end of year shows that he seems to be an invisible member of staff. He makes my skin crawl watching him. I have no desire to speak to him but the day she finishes music I might just punch him!!!

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