Truth is a grey area for Major

Kelvin Mackenzie

18:34 EST, 15 June 2012


18:36 EST, 15 June 2012

John Major: Apparently his memory is troubling him...

John Major: Apparently his memory is troubling him…

To be called a liar by a former Prime Minister is something of a badge of honour these days. Thanks to Sir John Major, who incredibly ran our country for seven years before being thrown out in the biggest anti-Tory landslide in history, that is what has happened to me.

This week he took the stand at the Leveson Inquiry and was asked about Black Wednesday (the notorious day in 1992 when sterling was forced to pull out of the Exchange Rate Mechanism). He had spent £4 billion — and pushed interest rates to 15 per cent — in a colossal gamble to defend the pound. However, he failed.

At the time I was editing another paper and that night he rang my office and asked how the paper was going to report the events of that miserable day.

I said: ‘I have a bucket load of merde (not the word I actually used) on my desk and I am going to pour it all over you.’ He replied: ‘You are a one.’

During his Leveson evidence, Sir John said he couldn’t remember such a conversation because he had spoken to many people that night (including the Queen, parliamentary colleagues, Cabinet ministers etc).

Come off it, Sir John!

I had a witness to our conversation and stand by every word written here. If Sir John wants to launch libel proceedings against me, I am prepared to give evidence in court.

Further he claimed that if I had made the remark, I would not have been invited to No 10 a year later.

Perhaps I could explain what happened at that subsequent meeting.

I was ushered into a room with a big oval table. The atmosphere was tense, with Gus O’Donnell, then director of communications for No 10, sitting by Major with a copy of The Sun open on the table. The main story on that page reported how Major was so stressed that he was going prematurely grey.

An ill-tempered Major pointed to his head, and, lowering himself he said to O’Donnell: ‘Tell me Gus, can you see any grey?’

There was an uneasy silence. Both O’Donnell and I were now looking at the PM’s very grey thatch. There was a pause and O’Donnell answered: ‘Just the very odd hair, Prime Minister.’

The loyal aide had passed the test. O’Donnell (now Lord) went on to become Head of the Civil Service.

But then having listened to all Sir John Major’s successors — Blair (who was the worst) Brown and Cameron — at the inquiry, I can only ask if there’s something they put in the water in Downing Street that enables its occupants to dissimulate so shamelessly.

Barbecue of the jobs

As a result of the heavy rains, especially in April, I am told gardening centres up and down the country are sacking staff.

that might explain my experience when I went to Garson’s Farm, Esher,
Surrey, to buy a barbecue — you could pay anything from £40 for a basic
model to a Starship Enterprise-style monster costing £2,200.

could not find anyone interested in serving me. Money is hard to come
by right now and I refused to chase round to find any staff — it’s
surely their job to chase me.

left and went to another garden centre five miles away where they
couldn’t have been more helpful and they got my order for a £150

I am reminded
of what a Ugandan Asian shopkeeper said about settling in Britain some
30 years ago. ‘In Kampala, we pulled them into the shop off the
pavements  . . .  over here, they form an orderly queue to pay us

I think I prefer the Kampala approach.

Four months ago I advised readers to cut their energy costs by joining something called The Big Switch being organised by the consumer mag Which? and fronted by the affable and clever TV reporter Jonny Maitland. The idea was to get thousands of customers to group together and, by power of numbers, use their leverage to get cheaper deals.

As a result, about 100,000 people sent Which? estimates of their next year’s gas and electricity bills. These, in turn, were passed to a large number of the energy companies to see if they could offer a cheaper deal.

A friend of mine, a professional man and father of two, had never switched energy provider before. Like me, he was reluctant to spend hours in call centre hell. But he took my advice and signed up to The Big Switch.

Here’s the result: of all providers who were asked to tender, the Co-op offered The Big Switch applicants the cheapest deal — thus winning about 40,000 new customers.

In the case of my friend, he will now be £768 a year better off. His current suppliers are British Gas and Southern Electric. The first estimated he would spend £1,808 over the next year and his monthly direct debit would be £165. Southern Electric’s annual figure was £1,464 — £120 a month. That’s a total of £285 a month. But through The Big Switch, the Co-op offered a price, fixed for a year, for both gas and electricity for the same projected usage with monthly payments of £221 a month — saving £768 a year.

Southern Electric has since written to my friend saying ‘sorry you’re leaving’ — and offering a 2 per cent discount if he changes his mind. This was never offered in all the years he was just a mute paying customer.

British Gas refused to take part in The Big Switch auction saying it would never work.
Power to the people. Power to your bank account. Get switching today.

Veil ban a winner for Dave

With time on his hands, perhaps former French President Sarkozy might pop over the Channel and explain to the beleaguered David Cameron how he managed to get a law passed that banned the wearing of burkas.

The law has been a great success. This week, three women who refused to remove their face veils at Charles de Gaulle airport were refused entry to France and were put back on a plane to Doha the same day.

Excellent news. To me, the most upsetting aspect of going through immigration at Heathrow is not the length of queues, but seeing Muslim women in their burkas being nodded through by border staff. How on earth can they prove their identity?

Cameron may finally be doing something to stop forced marriages, but is it too much to ask him to adopt a law which helps to stop criminals — from terrorists to shoplifters — hiding their faces from security staff and CCTV.

Holland and Belgium have followed France’s lead. My suspicion is that if Cameron proposed such a ban in the 2015 Tory manifesto, he wouldn’t end up 14 points back in the polls (as he is now) but would be 14 points out in front.

Is it me or is it Paul McCartney? The way he looked at the Queen’s Jubilee Concert — is he turning into Ken Dodd?

Edward on the buses

Dream come true: National Express workers have dedicated the bus to 10-year-old Edward Littlehales

Dream come true: National Express workers have dedicated the bus to 10-year-old Edward Littlehales

Schoolboy Edward Littlehales has autism. He is crazy about buses, especially one in particular, registration number BX09 PGE. Every week without fail, for the past three years, his dad has taken him to a bus stop on Hagley Road West, Birmingham, to wait for ‘his’ bus.

If the bus doesn’t come within an hour, they try to find it somewhere on its Birmingham-Halesowen-Stourbridge route.

If it’s not in service, they drive to the bus garage in Dudley to look at it through the railings.

Last year, before his tenth birthday, Edward’s mum Carole asked him what he wanted. He said he didn’t want any presents — just ‘his’ bus to come to their home in Bromsgrove!

Having a child with autism makes parents brave, so they asked National Express. Amazingly, they brought the bus to his house and let Edward play on it for an hour. It was a truly moving gesture by the bus company and Edward said it was the best day of his life.

Since then, his parents have kept in touch with the good folk of National Express to let them know Edward is learning to drive a bus on an online simulator because he wants to be a bus driver when he is old enough.

Edward is now 11 and, via his parents, he has asked for one more favour. Nothing to do with buses — he said: ‘Can I be in the Daily Mail?’

More than happy to oblige, Edward. I’m sure everyone will love your story.

I have always had my doubts about chiropractors, who believe that neck-cracking is good for you. I stopped attending one after it made me feel ill.

A friend’s wife recently had a major stroke after an hour-long session of neck-rolling massage.

My friend — and his doctor — were certain the treatment (which split her left vertebral artery) led to the stroke.

I was less convinced, but now Dr Neil O’Connell, of the centre for Research and Rehabilitation at Brussels University, says there is ‘consistent evidence’ of a link between strokes and chiropractic care. These are serious findings. My advice: keep clear of chiropractors.

If you thought it was only British hotel owners who rip off customers (competitors in the Great North Run or Olympic fans in London), how about this: The Olympic Hotel in Kiev, Ukraine, was charging £183.47 for two standard rooms on Thursday but 24 hours later — when England played Sweden — they wanted £1,247.61 for them.

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