UAE considers crack down on skimpy dressers

“I agree with the idea of a federal law but it depends on the Cabinet.”

The law was proposed by FNC member Hamad Al Rahoumi, who referenced the ban on
the wearing of veils in France while doing so.

“If these policies have no law behind them, then how are they [offenders]
punished?” he asked. “In some countries they do not allow a face veil or a
headscarf. We must also have laws to organise our dress code here.”

Would a legally-enforced dress code in public places put you off travelling to the UAE?

Gaurav Sinha, managing director of the Dubai travel-branding company Insignia,
said the problem was not that expatriates disrespected the local culture but
that they were unaware of the policies in place.

Certain public places already apply their own dress codes for entrance.

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