‘West distorts Iran’s high voter turnout’

Hegemonic powers always distort realities particularly when they are to their detriment, said Mohammad-Najjar in reaction to British Foreign Secretary William Hague’s claim that Iran’s parliamentary elections were not “free and fair.”

Britain began to spread propaganda against Iran’s legislative elections a long time ago, but described the vote as undemocratic when it failed to achieve its objectives, he added.

However, the world witnessed that the Iranian people participated en masse in the elections and realized that the Islamic establishment is a democratic system, the minister pointed out.

He noted that Western officials have been shocked by the high turnout of Iranians in the parliamentary elections and added that they are taking such a stance to relieve their pain after the Iranian people slapped them on the face.

Early vote counts from Friday’s Majlis elections show more than 64 percent of some 48 million eligible voters cast their ballots in the 9th parliamentary elections, with 75 percent of the candidates from the Principlist camp securing the Majlis seats.

The turnout in Iran’s previous legislative vote was 51 percent.


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