Oscar Arzeno

(Scroll down for video) He just picked the wrong person to fight with.


A drunken Queens, New York man went crazy after he could not get an ATM to work at a gas station last week and was killed when he turned his anger to the clerk working at the gas station who was a former competitive kick-boxer.

“I feel bad. I did not want the man to die. He called me Taliban,” said Jasjeet Walia, who was released last night after being questioned by police all day.

“I feel like vomiting. I have a severe headache,” said Walia, an amateur kick-boxer for seven years in his native Mumbai, India.
Police identified the dead man as Oscar Arzeno, 28, of Franklin Avenue in Flushing.

Arzeno just received a lot of cash in a lawsuit against police brutality he filed against the New York City Police Department.

A surveillance video from the Gulf gas station shows Arzeno sucker punching Walia in the eye after a heated argument.
Walia throws a combination of punches before delivering a kick to Arzeno in the head.
The fight spilled into the street, where they traded blows on the floor and Walia put Arzeno in a stranglehold.

“He started kicking the machine in anger. He was saying, ‘Your station sucks. You suck!’” His brother Rajeet Walia recalled who also works at the station.
“My brother is not a tough guy. He’s a regular guy. Not a fighter. He is a soft-spoken man. He did

kickboxing in Mumbai. Has competed in all of India.”
Arzeno was pronounced dead at Elmhurst Hospital.

Back at home on Franklin Avenue, Arzeno’s brother was furious.
“He’s an idiot!” He said with tears. “How could he start a fight?”
Marilyn Machado, 26, the mother of the first child of Arzeno, said they had just received a $250,000 brutality suit from 2006 and they planned to move to Florida.
The lawsuit accused the police of beating him and kneeling on his chest during an arrest.



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