Abu Qatada row: As UK agonises over hate cleric, Italy simply ignores Euro judges and kicks out fanatic

  • We can’t reverse Italy’s deportation of terrorist to Tunisia, admits ECHR
  • Tory MP leads calls for Britain to follow suit with hate cleric Abu Qatada

Jack Doyle

18:35 EST, 27 March 2012


18:37 EST, 27 March 2012

Radical preacher: Unlike Italy, Britain has dithered over deporting Abu Qatada (above) because of a judgement blocking the move by the European Court of Human Rights

Radical preacher: Unlike Italy, Britain has dithered over deporting Abu Qatada (above) because of a judgement blocking the move by the European Court of Human Rights

For years, successive governments have insisted that extremist preacher Abu Qatada cannot be kicked out of Britain, claiming it would breach his human rights.

Perhaps we should have looked to Italy as an example.

Yesterday the European Court of Human Rights admitted it is effectively powerless to intervene in the case of a convicted terrorist deported from Italy.

Although the Strasbourg court ordered that compensation be paid to Mohamed Mannai, who was sent home to Tunisia in 2010 in breach of a court order, officials said they are unable to force Italy to take him back.

A spokesman said: ‘Once the applicant has been deported there is nothing much we can do because he is in Tunisia, a country that is not part of the European Court of Human Rights.’

Last night, the ruling prompted calls for ministers to follow Italy’s example and deport Qatada.

The Government has argued the radical Islamist – described by a judge as Osama Bin Laden’s right hand man in Europe – cannot be removed to his home country of Jordan because of an ECHR  judgment.

The court’s judges said Qatada could not hope to receive a fair trial there because it would  likely be based on evidence obtained by torture.

But Dominic Raab, Tory MP for Esher and Walton, said: ‘The Italian and French governments have a track record of ignoring Strasbourg in deportation cases where there is a risk of torture with precious little consequence.

Flawed ruling: Conservative MP Dominic Raab (above) says Britain should send Qatada back to Jordan immediately

Flawed ruling: Conservative MP Dominic Raab (above) says Britain should send Qatada back to Jordan immediately

‘In the Qatada case, Strasbourg went well beyond existing human rights law. Having bent over backwards to accommodate this flawed ruling, we now need to put him on a flight to Jordan without delay.’

Mannai was jailed for five years and four months in October 2006 after he and two other men, thought to be linked to radical group Ansar al-Islam, were convicted of terror charges.

In negotiations: But Home Secretary Theresa May has repeatedly refused to say if she will defy Strasbourg's judges

In negotiations: But Home Secretary Theresa May has repeatedly refused to say if she will defy Strasbourg’s judges

Police said the cell planned attacks in Italy and brainwashed recruits to act as suicide bombers. After Mannai’s conviction, the Milan court said he should be deported at the end of his sentence.

However, the ECHR ordered Italy to block the deportation while it  considered if sending him home would breach his human rights.

Despite this order, within months of finishing his sentence in February 2010, Mannai had been put on a plane back to Tunisia.

Yesterday the ECHR criticised the Italian government for ignoring its earlier ruling and ordered it to pay Mannai 15,000 euros (£12,500) plus expenses.

The Council of Europe has also written to the Italian government,  saying it is ‘deeply concerned’ by  its actions.

Italy took similar steps in June 2008 when it ignored a court ruling and sent convicted terrorist Ben Khemais back to Tunisia.

The Home Secretary is currently negotiating with the Jordanian government to get assurances that Qatada would be given a fair trial.

Last week Theresa May refused five times in an interview to say whether she would defy Strasbourg judges and return the hate preacher.

However, she insisted she wanted to find a way to deport Qatada so the Government was ‘not required by any court’ to take him back.

A Whitehall official last night pointed out that while Mannai had been deported as his case was still pending, a final judgment had been made with regards to Qatada.

Government lawyers fear that any attempt at removing him would therefore be in contempt of court.


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it is not just blood sucking politicians who fleece the taxpayers but also the lawyers, human rights lawyers. They are the ones who work for the Government and for that Terrorist they all live handsomely on taxpayers money.The European courts and the EU rules etc are always ignored by other countries in the EU only the UK has spinless politicians who follow every rule made by unaccountable/unelected Bureaucrats we as a once proud Nation are not governed by Westminster but by the EU. How many people want to get rid of this terrorist and his family all the UK citizens do and therefore why do the politicians ignore their wishes they are suppose to represent us the voter come taxpayers but the truth is they do not.

Make sure you send his family packing with him.

It is terrible that they have to be shown but now they have, go for it! You know you can do it! Go on don’t delay, do it today.

there is another reason they are not getting rid of this man this government or the last one signed into something whithout consulting the electerate and they cannot get rid sounds like something the last lot would do if that is the case we the public should call for a general election as the last one was held and won under false pretences

Just do it. We don’t owe this parasite or his family anything – and his ‘rights’ to a family life are easily respected – nobody here is going to stop the entire crew of them going with him, are they?

Politicians are destroying the UK.

What a terrible day that our damn law makers have to be shown what to do by the Italians and the French. We have all known this for years. Strassbourg are bullies and our damn MPs are so pathetic. Come on, Cameron, send a few police around to his house, handcuff him and put him on the next flight out. Let the scum suffer!! Stop pussy footing around, ACT and stop talking! Forget the pen pushers in Strassbourg!! have some respect for your own people.

When will Britain ever be fortunate enough to have robust politicians again? What a cowardly, weak and indecisive bunch we have in Westminster on both side of the House. The electorate really do deserve better, As a country, we should review the whole party political system if the current crop of MP’s is the best we can dredge up..

So there is no excuse now. Get him out now. Let’s see if the government has the guts to do the right thing by the British people.

Sick to death of this man and his family bleeding the tax payer dry. What the hell are they waiting for!! Get Him and His Family on the next flight to Jordan…..

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