Big tree named in honour of big mayor

Retiring Sunshine Coast Mayor Bob Abbot will stand tall on Tuesday after having an important local tree named in his honour.

“Big Bob”, a 73-metre Conondale forest eucalypt, is believed to be Queensland’s tallest tree.

It has been named after the region’s outgoing mayor, a man known for his large stature and commitment to conservation.

Sunshine Coast Regional Council discovered the tree using geographic information system (GIS) technology from Esri Australia.

GIS technology is used widely by councils and the resource and mining sector for mapping and planning.

Esri Australia spokeswoman Alicia Stumm says the technology is founded on the principles of land management.

“Traditionally the way to view trees was through aerial photography, but you would only be able to see the tops,” she said.

“The council used the technology to penetrate layers of the canopy and reveal the height of the tree for the first time.”

The tree was only discovered due to a council flood planning project.

Ms Stumm says due to the sophistication of the technology, discoveries are being made all the time, but none as exciting as this.

“To be able to find something with such a strong community and environmental impact is pretty cool,” she said.

Mr Abbot, who is due to retire at the end of this term, says the tree bridges the gap between the past and the council’s current vision of being Australia’s most sustainable region.

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