Boston mobster Bulger’s girlfriend Greig to plead guilty

BOSTON (Reuters) – Catherine Greig, the girlfriend of reputed Boston mobster James “Whitey” Bulger, will change her plea to guilty in charges relating to their 16 years on the run, according to documents released on Monday by authorities.

Greig will plead guilty to charges of conspiracy to harbor a fugitive, conspiracy to commit identity fraud, and identity fraud. She has a pretrial hearing scheduled for Wednesday, and her trial was scheduled to start May 7.

Greig will plead guilty “in no event later than March 14,” U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz wrote in a letter to Kevin Reddington, Greig’s attorney, that was dated March 5 and released on Monday.

Bulger, an 82-year-old former Boston mob boss, is accused of 19 murders dating back to the 1970s and 1980s as well as other crimes. He has pleaded not guilty to all the charges and his trial is scheduled to start in November.

Bulger fled Boston in late 1994 after receiving a tip from a corrupt FBI agent that federal charges were pending. Greig joined him a short time later. They were arrested on June 22, 2011, in their Santa Monica, California hide-out with about 30 firearms and $822,000 in cash hidden in holes in the wall.

In a signed seven-page statement, Greig, 60, describes a “close, personal relationship” with Bulger and said she agreed with “others, including Bulger, to harbor and conceal him from law enforcement” – an arrangement that lasted from January 1995 until their arrest.

“I engaged in conduct that was intended to help Bulger avoid detection from law enforcement and to provide him with support and assistance during his flight,” Greig said.

Authorities allege Greig, a former dental hygienist, used a total of ten different aliases to shop, pay bills and obtain medications for Bulger.

At the time of their arrest, Bulger and Greig had been living as Charles and Carol Gasko in their apartment not far from the Pacific Ocean for some 15 years.

(Reporting By Ros Krasny; Editing by Greg McCune and Paul Simao)

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