Britain to double support to Syrian opposition

“Some Christians who tried to escape a week ago were stopped from leaving
by the rebels and were instead forced to go to a mosque to act as shields,”
he said. “They thought that, because Christians support Assad, the
government would not attack them.”

Church leaders have accused Muslim neighbours of turning on the Christians,
who have fled to villages and towns around the city, as well as into

“The people we are helping are very afraid,” Bishop Antoine Audo of
Aleppo said. “The Christians don’t know what their future will hold.
They are afraid they will not get their homes back.

However Abou Salaam, a Jesuit priest in the city, said that Muslim imams had
held meetings with the remaining Christians to reassure them they were safe
in the city.

Despite the broad public respect they enjoy from the rebel leaders, many
Christians fear that they will remain vulnerable. About one in 10 of Syria’s
20 million population is Christian.

“There were rumours of extremists coming to Homs from other Muslim
countries to fight with the rebels,” he said. “We don’t know if it
was true, but it frightened many people.”

He added: “The Christians are caught in the middle. We are victims of
both sides.”

Efforts to stop Syria’s
descent into civil war reached a decisive juncture with the launch of Mr
Annan’s peace initiative, which has the support of Russia and China as well
as the West and the Arab League.

Officials said that the opposition needed to come together as a viable
opponent and a potential alternative centre of power to President Assad, if,
as hoped, he is eased out of power.

“The behaviour of the Assad regime so far is as futile as it is morally
indefensible,” Mr Hague said. “They have now said they will accept
Kofi Annan’s plan to end the violence and start a political transition.

“President Assad and his allies … must be left in no doubt that if
there is not a political transition that reflects the will of the people,
then they will be shunned by the international community and we will close
every door to them. They will face still more sanctions. Their assets will
remain frozen. Their travel to Europe and many other nations will always be
banned, as will the travel of their families. And they will be pursued by
mechanisms of justice and held to account.”

With at least 26 killed in continuing government offensives two days after the
Syrian leader accepted Mr Annan’s proposals. Mr Assad set out conditions of
his own for a ceasefire.

The Annan plan must also get a commitment from armed groups to cease their “terrorist
acts” against the government, according to the state news agency

“It is necessary to get a commitment from other parties for armed groups
to stop their terrorist acts, to withdraw the weapons of these groups …
and for them to stop … kidnapping innocent civilians, massacres and the
destruction of private and public infrastructure,”

Julien Barnes-Dacey, a Syrian analyst at the European Council on Foreign
Relations, said champions of the Syrian opposition had been forced to accept
that diplomatic efforts to oust Assad would prevail over military options.

“The Annan plan is the only game in town for the moment,” he said. “Outside
intervention is impossible for diplomacy is the only way forward. Therefore
there is a need to build a stronger opposition to take part in the political

At least one million Syrians need humanitarian assistance, a UN spokesman said
Thursday at the end of an assessment mission to the country international

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