Further charge over Perth homicide

Three men and a woman are to appear in court on charges of murdering Perth man David Blenkinsopp.

Mr Blenkinsopp was last seen in Wanneroo, in Perth’s north, at 1.45am (WST) on Sunday, March 4.

Police treated his disappearance as a homicide after blood was found on the road near where he was last seen.

Police have charged three men, aged 37, 45 and 53, and a woman, 42, with murder. A 38-year-old woman has been charged with being an accessory after the fact to murder.

Four of the accused will appear in the Perth Magistrates Court on Thursday while the 53-year-old man will appear in the Kalgoorlie Magistrates Court.

Police say Mr Blenkinsopp’s body has yet to be found but they continue to examine a number of premises and bushland.

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