Iran refutes sending arms to Sudan

Commenting on the ‘malevolent intentions’ behind spreading such false reports, Mehmanparast stressed Iran’s principled policy in preventing war and violence, and pointed to Tehran’s advocacy of dialogue as the sole desirable way for resolving disagreements between countries.

He added that the hegemonic powers try to cover up their failures in a bid to achieve their objectives by imposing sanctions against Iran and curbing the country’s increasing progress by disseminating these lies.

The allegation comes as the US declared the government of South Sudan eligible to receive weapons and defense assistance from Washington.

The Friday announcement came amid an outbreak of violence between two South Sudanese tribes, which may have left hundreds dead and some 50,000 people in need of aid.

South Sudan became independent last July after decades of conflict with Sudan, which claimed the lives of thousands of people.

The oil-rich nation is one of the least developed countries in the world, where one in every seven child dies before the age of five.


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