Naden taken to suspected burial site

Accused murderer Malcolm Naden has been led onto the banks of a central NSW river as police continue to search for the remains of his missing cousin.

Detectives began excavating parts of the Macquarie River bank at Butlers Falls, south of Dubbo, on Wednesday as they try to unearth remains belonging to mum of four Lateesha Nolan.

The 24-year-old disappeared from Dubbo in 2005 and Naden is suspected of involvement.

On Saturday he was escorted from Goulburn’s Supermax jail, where he has been imprisoned since March, to the river bank.

Network Ten footage showed Naden dressed in bright orange prison-issue overalls and shackled at the wrists.

He spent about an hour by the river and reportedly led officers to a site about 500 metres from the area that they had been digging.

However, it is believed no remains have so far been found.

A NSW Police spokesman said detectives remain confident they are on the right track but suggested any remains buried on the Macquarie River banks may have moved.

“Police are confident they are searching the correct area,” the spokesman said.

“However, two major floods have been through the area since 2005, which is impacting the search.”

Naden spent almost seven years on the run before being captured in March.

He has been charged with the 2005 murder of 24-year-old Kristy Scholes, two counts of aggravated indecent assault on a 15-year-old girl in Dubbo and shoot with intent to murder a police officer at Nowendoc on December 7, 2011.

He is suspected of murdering Ms Nolan but has not yet been charged over her disappearance.

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