Paris to unveil Iran peace carpet

As a token of peace from the people of Iran’s southeastern area, the carpet will be unveiled during the commemoration ceremony of Iranian mathematician and astronomer Abdolali Birjandi.

The ceremony will be held as part of a program introducing the arts and culture of Iran’s South Khorasan Province where the late scientist was born, CHTN reported.

Iran’s peace carpet measures 138×100 centimeters and bears exquisite designs of famous sites in the city of Birjand in Iran’s South Khorasan Province.

Five craftsmen used 30 colors in weaving the carpet which also bears the UNESCO and UN logos, and depictions of Persepolis and Tehran’s Azadi Tower.

Carpet-weaving, which dates back to ancient Persia, is one of the most distinguished manifestations of Persian culture and art.

There is an estimated population of 1.2 million weavers in Iran, who produce carpets for both domestic and international markets.

Iran exports carpets to more than 100 countries, as the country’s hand-woven rugs are one of its main non-oil export products.

Experts attribute the increasingly lucrative market for Persian carpets worldwide to the quality of the rugs as well as their color and design.


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