Posts Tagged ‘alnusra’

Netanyahu under fire after accusing Palestinian grand mufti of inciting Holocaust

Speaking to the Zionist Congress on Tuesday, Netanyahu spoke of a series of attacks by Muslims against Jews in Palestine during the 1920s, stating that those assaults were instigated by Haj Amin al-Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem at that time. Al-Husseini flew to meet Adolf Hitler in Berlin in 1941, and that meeting was […]

Police say UK journalist Jacky Sutton’s death in Istanbul airport was suspicious – Veterans Today

In the early hours of Sunday morning, Russian tourists found Sutton, 50, hanged in a toilet cubicle at Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport after missing her connecting flight to Erbil, Iraq. Sutton was the acting Iraq director for the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR), a London-based non-profit media organization. Her death comes five months after […]

A new coalition: Iraq begins airstrikes on ISIS using new intelligence center shared by Iran, Syria and Russia

     Iraq has begun bombing Islamic State insurgents with help from a new intelligence center with staff from Russia, Iran and Syria, a senior parliamentary figure said on Tuesday about cooperation seen as a threat to U.S. interests in the region. The center has been operational for about a week, and it provided intelligence for […]

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