Posts Tagged ‘known’

Neuroscience Learns What Buddhism Has Known For Ages: Mindfulness

Next Story Mindfulness is defined as an attention training which can benefit health and general well-being. There is a lot scientific research confirming it. In this article we will present the other type of attention training called Open Focus. We believe, combining these two approaches may help to understand attention training better and to experience […]

Final Grenfell Tower Death Toll Won’t Be Known Until 2018

According to the UK’s Metropolitan Police, the final death toll of the Grenfell Tower disaster will not be known until next year. At least 80 people are now known to have died in the fire on June 14., but an official figure will not become clear until 2018 as police carry out their investigation. However residents […]

California: Glyphosate Will Be Added to List of Chemicals Known to Cause Cancer

California: Glyphosate Will Be Added to List of Chemicals Known to Cause Cancer June 27th, 2017 Via: Reuters: Glyphosate, an herbicide and the active ingredient in Monsanto Co’s (MON.N) popular Roundup weed killer, will be added to California’s list of chemicals known to cause […]

Why Magnesium Is The Most Powerful Relaxation Mineral Known To Man

A DEFICIENCY IN THIS CRITICAL nutrient makes you twice as likely to die as other people, according to a study published in The Journal of Intensive Care Medicine.(i) It also accounts for a long list of symptoms and diseases — which are easily helped and often cured by adding this nutrient. In fact, in my […]

Alleged London attacker known as radical Islamist

nsnbc : One of the three men believed to have carried out the deadly attack in central London last weekend was known as radical […]

CLOCKWORK: Two London Bridge Attackers Named – One Known to MI5, Another Attacker Found Dead with ID

21st Century Wire says… As suspected here at 21WIRE, it has emerged that yet another known wolf  terror incident is now tied to security services and MI5. This disturbing news comes after another accomplice’s ID was discovered at the crime scene. Already there have been a number of questions raised following the recent London Bridge attacks, […]

KNOWN WOLF UNCOVERED: At Least One London Bridge Attacker Familiar to Anti-Terror Police

21st Century Wire asks… How deep does the ‘known wolf’ rabbit hole go in the case of the London Bridge attacks? In our first report regarding the London Bridge Attacks we discussed the distinct possibility that the those linked to this latest terror event might be well-known to authorities – it turns out, in at least […]

Manchester’s Known Wolf: Watched by MI5 with Ties to NATO-Backed Terror in Libya – What Does It All Mean?

MANCHESTER’S KNOWN WOLF: Watched by MI5 With Ties to NATO backed Terror in Libya – What Does It All Mean?

Shawn Helton 21st Century Wire Another day, another conspiratorial crime. In this case, the public was witness to yet another know wolf  terror attack allegedly carried out by an ‘ISIS-inspired’ individual who as with other cases, was under the gaze of MI5. The man named in the Manchester attack,  Salman Abedi, has also been tied to […]

Paris Shooter Allegedly Known to Police – Terrorist Claims – Election Events Cancelled

nsnbc : French prosecutor François Molins said Thursday night “The identity of the attacker is known and has been verified.” However, he would not […]

The Colossal Deceit Known As The Underwear Bomber Case

Kurt Haskell Sept 19, 2011 With jury selection set to begin in the Underwear Bomber Trial set to begin tomorrow, I’ve spent the evening reminiscing about Christmas Day 2009 and the 21 months since. The Underwear Bomber attack has fundamentally changed my life. Not in the way most would think, but it has destroyed any […]

Boy killed by truck was known to driver

A five-year-old Melbourne boy has died after being hit by a truck driven by a man who knew him. The driver was reversing his truck in a residential street when it struck the boy at 5.50pm yesterday in Melton South, the Herald Sun reports. Paramedics were called but the boy died at the scene. Senior […]

Oldest known fossils prove life began more than 3.4bn years ago

Steve ConnerLondon Independent Aug 22, 2011 The fossilised remains of the oldest known lifeforms on Earth have been discovered in samples of rock collected near a remote watering hole in the middle of the Australian Outback. Scientists said that the microscopic fossils belonged to primitive bacteria that lived more than 3.4 billion years ago, when […]

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