Posts Tagged ‘warned’

Infowars Reporter Warned Not To Use Facebook For Political Viewpoints

Kurt Nimmo Prison September 12, 2011 reporter Darrin McBreen was instructed by the “Facebook Team” to not voice his political opinion on the popular social networking site. “Be careful making about making political statements on facebook,” McBreen was told in an email, “facebook is about building relationships not a platform for your political […]

Tony Abbott warned processing refugees on mainland will cause social unrest

The Government wants to process asylum seekers off-shore. Picture: AFP Source: AFP BRINGING asylum seekers onto the Australian mainland could lead to the social unrest which has caused violence and disruption across Paris and London, Tony Abbott was warned. It comes as the Government believes 600 people a month would enter Australia without checks on […]

Libya Warned Smugglers are Looting Gaddafi’s Guns

  Richard Norton-Taylor and Nick HopkinsLondon Guardian Friday, September 2, 2011 RELATED: NATO Gives Al-Qaeda Access to Deadly Weapons Stockpile Comment: The spin here is that only African Gaddafi mercenaries are looting the weapons. In reality, terrorist rebel groups controlled by Al-Qaeda commanders control the major cities – they are the ones with direct access […]

Uncle of dead toddler Tanilla Warwick-Deaves had warned DOCS

Tanilla Warwick-Deaves was a smiling little girl who like dressing up as a princess. Picture: The Daily Telegraph Source: Supplied JUST days ago Tanilla Warwick-Deaves was a smiling little girl who loved pushing toy prams and dressing up as a princess. Today an autopsy is expected to be carried out in Newcastle as police try […]

Yemen: Barack Obama warned that al-Qaeda planning ricin attack

Jacqui GoddardLondon TelegraphAug 13, 2011 The New York Times, citing classified intelligence documents and unnamed officials, reports that terrorist operatives have been making efforts to buy large quantities of castor beans – which contain the toxic ricin protein – and shift them to a remote tribal area controlled by insurgents for processing. Ricin is so […]

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