Posts Tagged ‘zion’

Law Enforcement Corruption; Just Say No

  There will always be some people who will try to assert authority over you that they simple don’t have. Know your rights and just say no. Two inspiring examples, below.Border Patrol Nowhere Near the Border? “No thank you” If you’re attempting to cross an international border either into our out of the US, you’re […]

Law Enforcement Corruption; Just Say No

  There will always be some people who will try to assert authority over you that they simple don’t have. Know your rights and just say no. Two inspiring examples, below.Border Patrol Nowhere Near the Border? “No thank you” If you’re attempting to cross an international border either into our out of the US, you’re […]

Important Updates Everyone Needs to Know Sept 15

I’ve seen this information in a couple of places now so perhaps there’s something to it. We shall see. What I DO know is, with each day that goes by we are that much closer to the first big hit we’ve been waiting for that signals the massive changes are about to come spilling into […]

Important Updates Everyone Needs to Know Sept 15

I’ve seen this information in a couple of places now so perhaps there’s something to it. We shall see. What I DO know is, with each day that goes by we are that much closer to the first big hit we’ve been waiting for that signals the massive changes are about to come spilling into […]

Dollar No Longer Primary Oil Currency as China Begins Selling Oil Using Yuan

If you read my earlier post from several months ago on ‘Secrets of the Illuminati’ shared by Pastor Lindsay Williams, you know who he is. If not, the Pastor spent many years in the employ of the cabal and just recently exposed their long range plans to the world. On Sept. 11, Pastor Lindsey Williams, […]

Dollar No Longer Primary Oil Currency as China Begins Selling Oil Using Yuan

If you read my earlier post from several months ago on ‘Secrets of the Illuminati’ shared by Pastor Lindsay Williams, you know who he is. If not, the Pastor spent many years in the employ of the cabal and just recently exposed their long range plans to the world. On Sept. 11, Pastor Lindsey Williams, […]

Incoming Energy Shifts

These last few days have been more intensive than most. In fact, you have all by now attained a new level of energy in your bodies, and this is one that will leave its mark not only on you, but also on the society in which you live. Let us explain. As we have often […]

Incoming Energy Shifts

These last few days have been more intensive than most. In fact, you have all by now attained a new level of energy in your bodies, and this is one that will leave its mark not only on you, but also on the society in which you live. Let us explain. As we have often […]

WGS Mortgage Debt Forgiveness is HAPPENING!

From Removing the Shackles blog… good news and confirmation of the “Paid in Full” notices we heard about.  The World Global Settlements Mortgage Debt Forgiveness is HAPPENING! You can download a scanned copy of a letter that has been sent to a customer from BOA here: I have had 7 different sources verify individual stories […]

WGS Mortgage Debt Forgiveness is HAPPENING!

From Removing the Shackles blog… good news and confirmation of the “Paid in Full” notices we heard about.  The World Global Settlements Mortgage Debt Forgiveness is HAPPENING! You can download a scanned copy of a letter that has been sent to a customer from BOA here: I have had 7 different sources verify individual stories […]

Major Announcement in the Morning – Get Ready to Blast it to All Social Networks

Since I’m in the west and don’t plan on getting up at 4 a.m. to find out what’s going on, I’m giving you this heads up and you can check it out in the morning whenever it’s convenient for you. When I get to it, if it’s newsworthy, I’ll post it. It DOES sound big, […]

Major Announcement in the Morning – Get Ready to Blast it to All Social Networks

Since I’m in the west and don’t plan on getting up at 4 a.m. to find out what’s going on, I’m giving you this heads up and you can check it out in the morning whenever it’s convenient for you. When I get to it, if it’s newsworthy, I’ll post it. It DOES sound big, […]

Study Pins Blame on Big Banks

Over the past several years, we’ve reported extensively on the big banks’ foreclosure failings. As a result of banks’ disorganization and understaffing — particularly at the peak of the crisis in 2009 and 2010 — homeowners were often forced to run a gauntlet of confusion, delays, and errors when seeking a mortgage modification. But while […]

Why Isn’t Art Making the Cut?

With my daughter soon to be entering the public school system, I’ve become more and more concerned with the quality of exposure to the arts that our public schools provide for our children. That includes music classes, drama clubs, and any other ‘extra-curricular’ activity that is suffering from budget cuts. My public high school was […]

Audit the Fed?

The party platform adopted at the Republican National Convention includes a number of remarkable planks. To a monetary economist, for example, the party’s proposal to restore some kind of metallic monetary standard is so outlandish as to be an almost irresistible target. More serious is the Republicans’ proposal for an annual audit of the United […]

Calling Conditions ‘Benign,’ Shell Halts Offshore Arctic Drilling after One Day Because of Massive Ice Sheet

After five years of waiting and billions of dollars invested, Peter Slaiby, Shell Oil’s Vice President for Alaska, gushed to the Alaska Daily News last Sunday, that he was “happy, happy, happy” his company had driven its first drill bit into the floor of the Chukchi Sea. Now it seems Slaiby’s delight about offshore drilling […]

How Doctors and Hospitals Have Collected Billions in Questionable Medicare Fees

Thousands of doctors and other medical professionals have steadily billed higher rates for treating elderly patients on Medicare over the last decade — adding $11 billion or more to their fees and signaling a possible rise in medical billing abuse, an investigation by the Center for Public Integrity has found. Medical groups argue that the […]

OWS Begins ‘Year II’ With Three-Day Convergence and Call to Debt Resistance

“The whole world is watching! The whole world is watching!” cried voices across Zuccotti Park on Wednesday night as 30 people sat with their arms interlocked, surrounded by cameras and sympathetic onlookers. NYPD officers were positioned some distance away at the concrete barricades that had begun surrounding the park. Confronting the sit-in with mock dispersal […]

The Military-Industrial-Media Complex Comes to Charlotte for the DNC

Jingoistic platitudes were all the rage at the recently-completed Democratic National Convention in Charlotte. Foreign Policy Magazine’s Uri Friedman reported that Democratic Party apparatchiks used Osama Bin Laden’s name, in bragging about slaughtering him, some 21 times during the DNC. By way of contrast, according to Friedman’s count, there was only one mention of Bin Laden at the […]

5 Issues This Election Should Be About, and One to Drop

Every election year, the two parties choose the agendas and issues to highlight and ballyhoo. Often it feels as though we citizens have little power to turn the conversation to the issues we want addressed. But that’s not as true as it seems. Conversations around the water cooler or over the picket fence reverberate through […]

Whistleblower Brad Birkenfeld Gets Record $104M for Exposing How UBS Helped Rich Evade Taxes

The IRS has announced a record $104 million reward to a whistleblower who exposed the largest tax evasion scheme in U.S. history. Former UBS AG banker Brad Birkenfeld first reported in 2007 that he and his colleagues had encouraged rich Americans to store more than $20 billion in offshore Swiss bank accounts and cheat the IRS. But after coming forward, […]

Two Cheers for the Fed, but Thumbs Down for Moody’s and the Deficit Hawks

With deficit hawks circling overhead, the responsibility for creating jobs has fallen by default to Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve. Last week the Fed said it expected to keep interest rates near zero through mid 2015 in order to stimulate employment. Two cheers. The problem is, low interest rates alone won’t do it. The […]

Syria, the West and the lessons drawn from the experience

Lutfallah 2 cargo By Ghaleb Kandil Syria, the West and the lessons drawn from the experience. Throughout the last three decades, Syria’s relationship with the West constituted an arena for a great number of headlines and economic, political and strategic issues embodying the cause of national liberation and independence in the Third World and especially […]

September 2012-09-15, Syrian Crisis Updated

Aleppo According to government opponents, Syrian Army shells Deir Hafer village of Aleppo outskirts, what resulted in two injuries. Opponent activists publish a video of what they’ve said a bombardment’s rubbles, which have been caused by the Syrian helicopters on some parts of Manbij area of Aleppo outskirts. Syrian Army units clash with armed rebels […]

The “Big Drop” is Coming Today

I have no idea what this means, but it will be interesting to see if anything happens today or tomorrow, particularly since I made a note on my calendar that Sept 16 is a “possible” date indicated by a crop circle, by one interpreter’s reckoning.There are a lot of things happening in the heavens astrologically […]

More on the Sept 16 Time Wave or “Big Drop”

TimeWave One of the more intriguing discoveries with respect to 2012 A.D. are the results of a new phenomenon called Novelty.  This phenomenon “is thought to be the basis for the creation and conservation of higher ordered states of complex form in nature and the universe.”  The TimeWave, as described by, is considered to […]

Kings of the Kali Yuga

Click here to read Douglas Reed’s classic on International Zionism and the Talmudic Jewish onslaught against humanity, The Controversy of Zion. Click here to read Juri Lina’s superb book, Under the Sign of the Scorpion, for the full story on the Jewish takeover of Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution. Click here to read Behind Communism […]

The Victory Hour with Max French Sept 15, 2012

The inimitable Max French covers the recent uprisings in the Middle East over the anti-Islamic film as well as other issues. 2nd hour–DANA!!! Download Here THANK YOU FOR ASSISTING WITH THE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH PRODUCING THIS PROGRAM This entry was posted on September 16, 2012, 1:34 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow […]

Where the Candidates Stand on Medicare and Medicaid

Medicare and Medicaid, which provide medical coverage for seniors, the poor and the disabled, together make up nearly a quarter of all federal spending. With total Medicare spending projected to cost $7.7 trillion over the next 10 years, there is consensus that changes are in order. But what those changes should entail has, of course, […]

Videos of the GCU Field Agents Locked Down at Monsanto’s Oxnard Facility

Amazing. Who is the poor employee recruited to engage the Occupy protestors in a friendly dialogue? Surely he didn’t volunteer to share his personal feelings — especially not by reading a carefully worded script vetted by Monsanto’s senior communications officer and/or CEO. Most likely, he was hand-selected for the job based on ethnicity, income level […]

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