Time to ‘step up’ on Reef protection

Coral reef experts gathering in far north Queensland this week are to urge Australia’s political leaders to “step up” on the protection of the Great Barrier Reef.

Marine scientists from throughout the world have gathered for the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium to discuss the latest in research and management practices.

The Australian Research Centre’s director of coral reef studies Terry Hughes said the effects of climate change were already being seen on the Great Barrier Reef.

“For us, climate change is not some hypothetical possibility, it’s something we can measure,” Professor Hughes told AAP.

He said UNESCO’s critical report on Australia’s management of the reef highlighted the threats facing the region.

The report warned that the reef could be listed as a World Heritage site in danger if threats posed by coastal development were not better dealt with.

“I don’t want to overstate it, but some of our onshore reefs are quite denuded, just as some are quite magnificent,” Prof Hughes said.

“Australia does a great job generally of managing its reef because we are quite unusual – we are a wealthy country with a tropical reef.

“But if we can’t keep the Great Barrier Reef off the World Heritage in Danger list, then who the hell can?”

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s science co-ordinator Laurence McCook said Australia needed to “step up” its efforts to protect the reef.

“We have estimates that the reef is worth $5.5 billion to the economy each year, and the cost of managing it is around 0.7 of that figure,” he said.

“It’s not a difficult equation to realise that it is a wise investment.”

The symposium is expected to release a consensus statement signed by more than 2600 scientists urging better protection of the world’s reefs.

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