UN Confirms Weapons Being Smuggled to Syrian Rebels

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Al-akhbar English
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The United Nations has information that arms are being smuggled in both directions between Lebanon and Syria, a UN Middle East envoy said Tuesday.

The envoy, Terje Roed-Larsen, said the Middle East is seeing a spiraling “dance of death” because of the conflict in Syria as President Bashar Assad confronts opponents.

“Based on information that we have there are reasons to believe that there is a flow of arms both ways, from Lebanon into Syria and from Syria into Lebanon,” Roed-Larsen told reporters after briefing the UN Security Council about events in Lebanon.

“We do not have independent observers for this but we are basing our reporting on information which we are receiving from a variety of sources,” he added.

Roed-Larsen did not give details, but on April 28, the Lebanese navy intercepted three containers of weapons destined for Syrian rebel forces on a ship which arrived from Libya.

The cargo included heavy machine guns, artillery shells, rockets, rocket launchers, and other explosives, a security official said.

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2 Responses to “UN Confirms Weapons Being Smuggled to Syrian Rebels”

  1. Who make the weapons anyway? start there. follow the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ , like cheese and you’ll find the rats

  2. They would know this 1st hand their the ones supplying the weapons …

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