Zimbabwe officials deny reports Robert Mugabe is on ‘deathbed’

Information Minister Webster Shamu dismissed the reports as “a lot of
hogwash”, while another government source said he would be back in
Zimbabwe by Wednesday. “This is not the first time we have heard these
rumours. If anything like that had happened, we would have issued a
statement,” Mr Shamu said.

A government source who spoke on condition of anonymity told AFP that Mr
Mugabe was on a “private visit” to Singapore. “He is not in
and was not taken to any hospital,” the source added. “He is well
and should be back later today or tomorrow which is why cabinet was pushed
to Thursday. The story from the Zimbabwe Mail is a complete fabrication.”

Brig General Asher Walter Tapfumaneyi, principal director in the Presidential
Affairs Ministry, said that as far as he knew, the president was well.

“There’s nothing wrong with him,” he said. “We would know if
there was.”

He said that the last time he saw the president, around 10 days ago at a
meeting of the politburo, he was “very energetic and alert”.

“If something has happened to him, it’s something that’s very sudden, not
progressive at all as last time I saw him he was perfectly well,” he

Misheck Sibanda, the chief secretary to the Cabinet who announced the
postponement of Tuesday’s meeting until Thursday when the president is
expected to be back in Harare, told news website newzimbabwe.com that he was
simply enjoying an Easter break.

“The President is on his Easter holidays, like everyone else,” he
said. “He returns to his post this week, at the same time as those who
are asking about his whereabouts from their holiday hideouts.”

Rumours about Mr Mugabe’s ill health are frequent and have increased since
WikiLeaks released a US diplomatic cable last year which cited a close
friend of Mr Mugabe saying he had prostate cancer which could bring about
his death in “three to five years”.

Fuel was also added by the more than eight trips the former independence
fighter, who has run Zimbabwe since 1980, made to the Far East, reportedly
for medical treatment, last year.

Mr Mugabe himself joked about the constant rumours about his health in an
interview to mark his 88th birthday in February.

“The day will come when I will become sick. As of now I am fit as a
fiddle,” he said. “I have died many times. That’s where I have
beaten Christ. Christ died once and resurrected once. I don’t know how many
times I will die and resurrect.”

The Daily Telegraph has been told that Mr Mugabe was “looking poorly”
and was overheard complaining about having flu before his departure for
Singapore. He also left without the usual noisy send-off by loyal supporters
at the airport.

A diplomatic source said the rumours about his health surfaced regularly and
as far as she knew, he was “OK”.

Itai Zimunya, Zimbabwe programme director for the George Soros-funded Open
Society Initiative for Southern Africa, said whatever the truth, the
uncertainty led to paralysis in the country’s running.

“We Zimbabweans are not fooled by the claims that he has gone to help his
daughter – it’s obviously a health issue but not clear whether it’s routine
or something more serious,” he said,

“It’s bad governance that the whole country is held to ransom through the
lies of Mugabe’s spin doctor. We have the right to know the condition of our

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