Cantor: House will vote on repeal on July 11

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said Thursday that the Republican-led House will vote on repealing the health care law soon after the July 4 recess.

Full story here.

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28 Responses to “Cantor: House will vote on repeal on July 11”

  1. Good fucking luck. This is the Ultimate Jackface, the policy neopoliticians have sold their souls for. It’s coming straight out of hell with strings attached!

    singularity Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 12:30 pm

    That’s right, coastx. More theatrics, they know they don’t have the votes to get this repealed – everyone been bought off and/or threatened.

    coastx Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 1:19 pm

    An infinite number of discrete and secretive steps in a finite amount of time, which in this case would be 325- 2012AD, we can say the bouncing ball is coming to rest on June 28, 2012, which the occult features of these circumstances are a hybrid systems thus:

    1687 years= 13 (4)/Vatican
    616, 194 days= 9/City of London
    88, 027 weeks= 7/EU Masons


    497= 11/Neo Illuminati

    …and is therefor suitably described as Zeno behaviour.

    dracula Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 1:59 pm

    why you post it correct as to who owns city of london and the eu masons and the neo assholes illuminati
    it is only one and that is the vatcan pagan church of lucifer exclusively along with the dog fuckers of islam

    coastx Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 2:41 pm

    Ah, well, in reality, the Illuminati is the Alpha, although it’s more correctly understood to be Quatuor Coronati, to which the Vatican subordinates.

    Here’s the deal. People want out of THIS particular matrix? You have to let go of your issues with money, drugs ans sex to make this so, but that’ll never happen in a million years, hence the QC grip on Washington via debauchery perks which it uses to recruit and reward it’s neo clerics.

    You’ll eventually get the picture, just not at the moment, because this information competes with your narcissistic view of the cosmos [which largely revolves around you, because you are special].

    Doc45 Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 3:06 pm

    I F’G agree…good F’G luck…has to pass the Senate…….done with that!!!!!!!…by the way I wikipedia’d Chief Justice Roberts….I recalled a year or ago, I saw GW , Jeb Bush and Roberts in Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta garb….so a half hour ago I looked up Chief Justice Roberts and Knights of Columbus on Wikipedia ….sure enough it’s true…the Red Mass gang.

    badger747 Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 6:30 pm

    Neocon Jackface is right

    This asshole Cantor will be the first to sell out the cause. He’s out in front of this because this little dog and pony show will go now where. And, he knows it.

    Just seeing a Yid acting like a “conservative” is funny enough. But this asspuppet pretends to be the glue that holds the whole “Tea-party” group (started by Ron Paul), together. Now that a laugh!

    As we speak he has a knife in the back of Boner (who I hate), ready to stab the man, and ready to go opposite what Boner says. Essentially make Boner look like a buffoon(he needs little help), and put himself at the head of the leadership.

    Hell this asshole holds all the money for the Republican re-election campaigns.

    This guy should not ever get the pulpit.

    Hes a sheep in wolfs clothing. In the past, and when the rubber hits the road, he is always…. LETS BUILD A BLOCK OF MONORITIES AND POOR. Fucking Carl Rove copy cat boy figuring the dynametrics.

  2. boy they are cleaning up the post to day. get to work you fucking dog’s

  3. This is just BS for the public to make it sound like they actually represent us. What a crock of Bull crap. You sheeple losers go eat it up. You need a massive supermajority to keep obama pig face from vetoing this. Just another dog and pony show with not substance. Just ceremonial.

  4. Just more lip service from a hemorrhoid dressed in a suit. Their word has ZERO value, people…’re better off trusting a zombie on bath salts.

  5. AND THE ANSWER IS: RON PAUL 2012 !!!!!

    Startover Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 2:07 pm

    Is he still running?
    I still have his bumper sticker

    Peace Frog Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 10:56 pm


    The time is NOW Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 9:51 pm

    No, there is only one word. REVOLUTION

    It will only work from the ground up. Make your county a “NO FED ZONE”.

    The time is NOW!!!

    Peace Frog Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 10:58 pm

    a mur cuns…fat…lazy…drugged…and stupid

    some revolution

  6. no nothing will happen until we have a real president who has the balls to say no to the new world fuckover and this ilk
    until then nobody is going to do anything but runs their mouths and nothing ever happens it would be more hip if they use drones on washington dc now and just destroy it and nsa and hls and the pentagon and the UN and the vatican better be nukes in every one of those drones and end the tyranny of traitors

  7. Yeah, like Congress didn’t have enough time to stave this crap off ? Now they’re going to cut-back on their 14 street prostitutes to do something by July 11 ? What’s wrong with NOW !? You could even throw-in your July 4th recess and do something real American ! “…..oh, I see, there’s a two for one deal down the block for July 4th, don’t want to interrupt that !”

    coastx Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 2:55 pm

    Actually, July 11 this year is the 193rd (13) day of the year with 173 9 (11) days remaining.

    Sunday through Tuesday= additive sum 9 with the 11th on Wednesday= 911

    July Wednesdays 4- 25= additive sum 13

    Wednesday, July 11, 2012= 9

    Week of July 8- 14= Additive sum 5+ column 4- 25 (4)= 9

    January 1- July 11= 27 weeks= 9

    999= 666 in the occult

    July 11, 2012= 666, a confirmation that the US has in fact been successfully repatriated what transformation will be confirmed by a rejection of the repeal of Obamacare by the house. Count on it.

    Americans are stupid. They will always be stupid. They can not be salvaged from this state of mind. This is a 1000 year bid on humanity. You’re fucked.

  8. I think the medical industry the medical insurance industry must be starting to give big pay off’s as they have been loosing money ever since the start of odumba care.

  9. oBaMACARE= MACABRE Oa;Oa= Guardians of the Universe (DC Comics); The Guardians Originated on Planet Maltus (Knights of Malta). Obamacare is a parody.

    Obamacare presents Knights of Malta/macabre, which is a Christian military order formerly known as Knights of Rhodes, which BOTH practiced human ritual sacrifice and are connected with the Mormon church. The current battery of sacrifice rituals involve necromancy, child sacrifice, the child sacrifice debauchery ritual and ritual human sacrifice to appease their BDSM/pedophile corporate affiliates and special interests.

    Good fucking luck, America. As of June 28, 2012 you are officially the seat of government of a world Drac culture.

  10. These bills always pass by 1percent or by one vote and they are gonna lose the repel by one vote.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 11:09 pm

    government is a lie….and we are being destroyed by design

  11. The people have to retrain the government .

    Peace Frog Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 11:09 pm


  12. Cantor you had better do all you can to get this stopped or you will be

  13. Anyone out there really believe the GOP will come to our rescue, when they are the other wing of the same bird of prey? How about we try them all for treason; the ones that are acquitted can remain, the others can face Gitmo or the firing squads. Then they could appreciate the fruits of their labor passing the torture provisions of the NDAA. In the days of the founders, the government SERVANTS did not try this garbage because they feared for their lives over the reprecussions. These sociopaths seem to need some of that same fear brought back to them. The courts are out of control because the executive is out of control, and the legislative branch could reign them in, but they are also out of control. The whole system is completely broken as only thorough corruption and lawlessness could render. For further proof, see what DOES NOT HAPPEN to the AG as a result of him being in contempt of congress.

  14. Cantor is a foaming at the mouth… soft toned… Zionist Neocon.

    1. We now all can drop our references to the Supreme Court as anything more… than our understandings of Parties in the USA. It is now clearly… a Right/Left psyop.

    2. Since Robert’s decision is irrational… (he is on meds it is reported… who knows if it is true…) but since every article of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights will be affected if not abrogated… by what this monster of a “health” bill mandate is and WILL BECOME…. only one outcome… its complete rejection was possible, IF the court had any Independence left.

    3. This will mean the election of Romney who will do exactly what the Jewish dual citizens want… and most people will say: ‘well at least he will have to go through the motions of paying attention to the Constitution… ‘… of course the wars and Mass Death Inc. or Dope Inc. will not be discussed or confronted publicly in any way.

    4. It is possible that Justice Roberts made this vote to get the national reaction we are seeing.

    5. IT was rumored that there was some private… problem with Roberts that was known around the Beltway.

    6. If true that he is on Epilepsy Seizure drugs he should have to resign and… that whole issue of Justices being on any kind of drugs that effects cognition… needs to be addressed… because of how many people are now on drugs of some kind.

    7. The whole roll up … saying that the decision would come down on the side of rejecting the entire bill… was obviously a psyop. But it infers that the “left” part of the court was in on the secret and build up that scenario emotionally.

    8. Why did the media almost ubiquitously say… that the questioning by the judges… the Left side of the court too… it was reported, was harsh on the Banker’s Supreme Court mouthpiece of the day… that is… the Banker mainstream media too apparently knew something in advance OR possibly were covering… the run-up to war in Syria or something of that nature?

    Always follow the outcome and the outcome and it here says: “… now we have to vote for Romney…” to most of America.

    Everything Alex said today in his excellent tirade… was true. How this will all play out as a tax to fund Banker World hell and a mass death eugenics racist Talmudic plan to finally break parenthood/family sovereignty, religious conscious … (well Alex would never DARE say a thing about the Talmud).

    What I smell is that … Justice Roberts … was putting a nail in Obama’s political coffin.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 11:12 pm

    obama will be easily re-s-elected…roberts put a nail in our coffin

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